Issue 18744

Intermittent problems deleting locked files

Reporter: mblissett
Type: Bug
Summary: Intermittent problems deleting locked files
Priority: Unassessed
Status: ToDo
Created: 2016-09-23 17:18:24.497
Updated: 2016-09-23 17:18:24.497
Description: ANM reported problems deleting a file.

The Apache error log reports "Could not DELETE ... This resource is locked and an "If:" header was not supplied to allow access to the resource."

A workaround is to delete the files in /var/lib/dav/lockdb.* and restart Apache.

It's presumably caused by opening the files (or similar) before deleting them. I don't know what the usual time is that Windows locks a file for, or if there's any way to release a lock, or prevent Apache from honouring locks.]]>