Issue 13761
all non country nodes haven continent=Africa
Reporter: mdoering
Assignee: ahahn
Type: Task
Summary: all non country nodes haven continent=Africa
Priority: Critical
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2013-09-02 15:45:07.895
Updated: 2013-09-03 11:06:24.245
Resolved: 2013-09-03 11:06:24.218
Description: as there is no continent field in the old registry we assign them manually in the migration script. That only happens for country nodes though and all non country nodes keep continent=AFRICA as its not nullable.
For example iBOL:
We need a small update scipt like this for each node:
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='90a939d3-e99c-4f6d-915f-2616423b3735'; // Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='af2a0fa1-4c8e-4bdc-8954-b1a55e32b0f1'; // ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='4297e544-201c-491f-a98c-cab92a98de0c'; // BioNET-AndinoNET
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='dd6b757b-ce91-4e58-951b-989cea8166bf'; // BioNET-ASEANET
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='7f017f1c-d33e-480a-99ed-547ff9bf7abe'; // BioNET-EASIANET
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='0e0181bf-9c78-4676-bdc3-54765e661bb8'; // BIONET-International
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='41d4686c-f6b7-42ec-aa54-a5792700e784'; // BioNET-SAFRINET
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b8a5be24-9225-4ba5-b664-159308a4b537'; // Bioversity International
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='844f7db8-d78e-4f9a-98ba-2008b1f1461e'; // Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='ed988a18-81f8-4d5f-a88d-f93ef592b2f2'; // CABI Bioscience
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='dbecf582-c93c-4a6a-8991-0327bdf7fd49'; // Ciencia y TecnologĂa para el Desarrollo (CYTED)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='2ca6cc46-3461-4fc1-b6fb-2781a3974649'; // Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='d8bbf693-a180-4995-94fe-6130795dcf2f'; // Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='f74f8534-a357-49ae-82b1-b1d39616a0b1'; // Discover Life
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='f6b3dbc6-4e21-49aa-a7c6-61d778e19ec0'; // DIVERSITAS
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='58ef3cd5-e76a-4073-8ecd-744e137e9bc9'; // Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='9e5d504a-879e-446e-bab0-1816dce12e41'; // Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='4be1ac47-75ae-44f6-917a-f095306f4450'; // ETI Bioinformatics
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='c13e0e4a-bb5b-4bd8-8fa9-aa0dba71698a'; // Finding Species
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='86b37808-0fa3-489a-af1f-53e72b2d75ce'; // Freshwater Biological Association - FreshwaterLife
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='02c40d2a-1cba-4633-90b7-e36e5e97aba8'; // GBIF_TEMP_NODE
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='109aea14-c252-4a85-96e2-f5f4d5d088f4'; // Integrated Taxonomic Information System
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='69f8ea9e-b2a6-4e5a-896f-3bf8fc23cc8d'; // Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b797ce0f-47e6-4231-b048-6b62ca3b0f55'; // International Barcode of Life (iBOL)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b9628650-eeb8-44e3-80b8-ea6626956793'; // International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b35cf8f1-748d-467a-adca-4f9170f20a4e'; // International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='ecc358f9-a1ad-4cca-aba3-70265c630c23'; // International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='6ab5da69-215e-4b9e-9f50-c72d146eecfc'; // International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='6b02945e-1567-4cd1-8f3b-86c355cfe9ea'; // International Species Information System
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='7a17efec-0a6a-424c-b743-f715852c3c1f'; // Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b31933e2-061d-46b3-be69-dc6dd82066dd'; // Major Systematic Entomology Facilities
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b188b530-89cf-420a-8dba-9ae173706bab'; // Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSCA)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='6aff31ce-8410-4118-ac61-c7571d228dc3'; // NatureServe
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='fa6bdac4-51e2-4334-940c-ba6cdf6e1257'; // Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NORDGEN)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='ba0670b9-4186-41e6-8e70-f9cb3065551a'; // Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='3b9510fc-5943-45d3-b08d-5b4e1e7c385e'; // Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum (PBIF)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='51e4e8ff-bff0-4996-8b27-9107d61b3478'; // Scientific Committee on Antartic Research (SCAR)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='97818ee4-1461-4180-bf1d-b3201050124f'; // Society for the Management of Electronic Biodiversity Data (SMEBD)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='07dfe2f9-5116-4922-9a8a-3e0912276a72'; // Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='03e816b3-8f58-49ae-bc12-4e18b358d6d9'; // Species 2000
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='93441780-7304-4547-8906-77d4beb2ea6d'; // Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b37a283d-89df-4748-82cf-a74ca936222e'; // United Nations Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='3e193341-3879-44e2-8bd9-64d95b101dbb'; // Wildscreen
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='3a9a7db1-988f-4d90-99ee-b4dbe868a27c'; // World Data Center for Biodiversity and Ecology
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='140074eb-2d9e-4289-8f51-7d987841013d'; // World Data Center for Biodiversity and Ecology (WDCBE)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='a6bdc523-5368-4e0f-9d2e-de1c262ac092'; // World Federation for Culture Collections
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='5025e030-ce5b-4fc0-bb8d-009b12e6f934'; // World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC)
Created: 2013-09-02 16:55:26.571
Updated: 2013-09-02 16:57:47.675
a first go:
- based on IMS.__Participants.area_. As there are both node.gbif_region and node.continent, this update to node.continent should _not_ use the participant regions, as e.g. currently given at, but the geographic continent
- not all participants can be assigned to a continent. They are currently set to NULL, though this needs revision (the attribute is not nullable; see
- the content follows the IMS values, with the caveat that the IMS only gives "Americas", without distinguishing North and South
UPDATE node SET continent='AFRICA' WHERE key='90a939d3-e99c-4f6d-915f-2616423b3735'; // Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)
UPDATE node SET continent='ASIA' WHERE key='af2a0fa1-4c8e-4bdc-8954-b1a55e32b0f1'; // ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)
UPDATE node SET continent='SOUTH_AMERICA' WHERE key='4297e544-201c-491f-a98c-cab92a98de0c'; // BioNET-AndinoNET
UPDATE node SET continent='ASIA' WHERE key='dd6b757b-ce91-4e58-951b-989cea8166bf'; // BioNET-ASEANET
UPDATE node SET continent='ASIA' WHERE key='7f017f1c-d33e-480a-99ed-547ff9bf7abe'; // BioNET-EASIANET
UPDATE node SET continent='AFRICA' WHERE key='0e0181bf-9c78-4676-bdc3-54765e661bb8'; // BIONET-International
UPDATE node SET continent='AFRICA' WHERE key='41d4686c-f6b7-42ec-aa54-a5792700e784'; // BioNET-SAFRINET
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='b8a5be24-9225-4ba5-b664-159308a4b537'; // Bioversity International
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='844f7db8-d78e-4f9a-98ba-2008b1f1461e'; // Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='ed988a18-81f8-4d5f-a88d-f93ef592b2f2'; // CABI Bioscience
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='dbecf582-c93c-4a6a-8991-0327bdf7fd49'; // Ciencia y TecnologĂa para el Desarrollo (CYTED)
UPDATE node SET continent='NORTH_AMERICA' WHERE key='2ca6cc46-3461-4fc1-b6fb-2781a3974649'; // Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='d8bbf693-a180-4995-94fe-6130795dcf2f'; // Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF)
UPDATE node SET continent='NORTH_AMERICA' WHERE key='f74f8534-a357-49ae-82b1-b1d39616a0b1'; // Discover Life
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='f6b3dbc6-4e21-49aa-a7c6-61d778e19ec0'; // DIVERSITAS
UPDATE node SET continent='NORTH_AMERICA' WHERE key='58ef3cd5-e76a-4073-8ecd-744e137e9bc9'; // Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)
UPDATE node SET continent='AFRICA' WHERE key='9e5d504a-879e-446e-bab0-1816dce12e41'; // Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='4be1ac47-75ae-44f6-917a-f095306f4450'; // ETI Bioinformatics
UPDATE node SET continent='NORTH_AMERICA' WHERE key='c13e0e4a-bb5b-4bd8-8fa9-aa0dba71698a'; // Finding Species
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='86b37808-0fa3-489a-af1f-53e72b2d75ce'; // Freshwater Biological Association - FreshwaterLife
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='02c40d2a-1cba-4633-90b7-e36e5e97aba8'; // GBIF_TEMP_NODE
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='109aea14-c252-4a85-96e2-f5f4d5d088f4'; // Integrated Taxonomic Information System
UPDATE node SET continent='SOUTH_AMERICA' WHERE key='69f8ea9e-b2a6-4e5a-896f-3bf8fc23cc8d'; // Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='b797ce0f-47e6-4231-b048-6b62ca3b0f55'; // International Barcode of Life (iBOL)
UPDATE node SET continent='AFRICA' WHERE key='b9628650-eeb8-44e3-80b8-ea6626956793'; // International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology
UPDATE node SET continent='ASIA' WHERE key='b35cf8f1-748d-467a-adca-4f9170f20a4e'; // International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
UPDATE node SET continent='EUROPE' WHERE key='ecc358f9-a1ad-4cca-aba3-70265c630c23'; // International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='6ab5da69-215e-4b9e-9f50-c72d146eecfc'; // International Long Term Ecological Research (ILTER)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='6b02945e-1567-4cd1-8f3b-86c355cfe9ea'; // International Species Information System
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='7a17efec-0a6a-424c-b743-f715852c3c1f'; // Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='b31933e2-061d-46b3-be69-dc6dd82066dd'; // Major Systematic Entomology Facilities
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='b188b530-89cf-420a-8dba-9ae173706bab'; // Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSCA)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='6aff31ce-8410-4118-ac61-c7571d228dc3'; // NatureServe
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='fa6bdac4-51e2-4334-940c-ba6cdf6e1257'; // Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NORDGEN)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='ba0670b9-4186-41e6-8e70-f9cb3065551a'; // Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)
UPDATE node SET continent='OCEANIA' WHERE key='3b9510fc-5943-45d3-b08d-5b4e1e7c385e'; // Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum (PBIF)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='51e4e8ff-bff0-4996-8b27-9107d61b3478'; // Scientific Committee on Antartic Research (SCAR)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='97818ee4-1461-4180-bf1d-b3201050124f'; // Society for the Management of Electronic Biodiversity Data (SMEBD)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='07dfe2f9-5116-4922-9a8a-3e0912276a72'; // Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='03e816b3-8f58-49ae-bc12-4e18b358d6d9'; // Species 2000
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='93441780-7304-4547-8906-77d4beb2ea6d'; // Taxonomic Databases Working Group (TDWG)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='b37a283d-89df-4748-82cf-a74ca936222e'; // United Nations Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='3e193341-3879-44e2-8bd9-64d95b101dbb'; // Wildscreen
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='3a9a7db1-988f-4d90-99ee-b4dbe868a27c'; // World Data Center for Biodiversity and Ecology
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='140074eb-2d9e-4289-8f51-7d987841013d'; // World Data Center for Biodiversity and Ecology (WDCBE)
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='a6bdc523-5368-4e0f-9d2e-de1c262ac092'; // World Federation for Culture Collections
UPDATE node SET continent=NULL WHERE key='5025e030-ce5b-4fc0-bb8d-009b12e6f934'; // World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC)
Comment: Need to first decide how to deal with continent-less participant entries.
Created: 2013-09-02 16:56:32.774
Updated: 2013-09-02 16:56:32.774
Created: 2013-09-03 11:06:24.241
Updated: 2013-09-03 11:06:24.241
added to migration scripts: