Issue 17338

Update dataset title for nzor_nzac/nzib

Reporter: mdoering
Assignee: jlegind
Type: Improvement
Summary: Update dataset title for nzor_nzac/nzib
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2015-03-03 18:38:36.348
Updated: 2015-03-04 11:58:52.36
Description: The Landcare new zealand checklist titles are just abbreviations. Get them to publish better EML or update the registry manually and lock the dataset:

Created: 2015-03-04 11:58:19.392
Updated: 2015-03-04 11:58:19.392
I have updated titles as best as I could and added homepage links & logo for NZOR. All these datasets are locked now for auto updates!

[] maybe you could contact Jerry Cooper and work with his team to update the EML so it contains at least a good title and proper description?  A homepage link for further infos would also be good, if they have (NZIB does I think) a DOI

And please ask them also how regulary they republish those datasets. Curling their archives (curl -i -X HEAD) suggests they did not change once since they were originally published in 2012