Issue 12531

Register SpeciesLink organisation and datasets (CRIA)

Reporter: ahahn
Assignee: jlegind
Type: Task
Summary: Register SpeciesLink organisation and datasets (CRIA)
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2012-12-12 13:16:12.932
Updated: 2013-12-13 13:44:53.805
Description: (T. Hirsch) showing CRIA's current contribution to GBIF via IABIN consisting only of insect collections and a tiny subset of including 284 collections and 5.6m records. (...) There will need to be some political-level decisions on how SpeciesLink will be recognized in our system.

Breakdown of their network: 32 distinct sub-networks/institutions, collectively they have 19,929,075 records, of which 5,608,695 are online. See:]]>

Comment: From emails sent in November between T. Hirsch and contact(s) in Brazil, I understood we weren't supposed to start working with any single Brazilian institution yet. Reason being that Brazil wanted organize their new node first. Can you please provide us with an update [] on how we should proceed?
Created: 2012-12-13 16:05:36.221
Updated: 2012-12-13 16:05:36.221

Created: 2012-12-14 13:58:15.063
Updated: 2012-12-14 13:58:15.063
reduced from critical to major, as this is on hold