Issue 18447

How should we handle 'deprecated' terms in dwc-api project

Reporter: cgendreau
Type: Improvement
Summary: How should we handle 'deprecated' terms in dwc-api project
Priority: Unassessed
Status: ToDo
Created: 2016-04-29 10:00:05.854
Updated: 2016-05-03 15:00:32.18
Description: We are starting to have some deprecated Term (e.g. GbifTerm. coordinateAccuracy) and we do not have yet a clear mechanism to identify them. Since they were once used in the past, we should probably keep them so we can at least resolve and understand such terms in the future. But, when we iterate through all the terms, we need to explicitly exclude 'deprecated' terms.
Might be a good idea to think about how we want to address this issue.


Created: 2016-04-29 10:23:06.77
Updated: 2016-04-29 10:23:06.77
How about marking terms as @Deprecated and adding a method isDeprecated() to the Term interface?
That method could maybe just inspect the enum values annotation

Author: cgendreau
Created: 2016-05-03 15:00:32.18
Updated: 2016-05-03 15:00:32.18
This is now implemented for GbifTerm.
Not yet available on Term interface simply because I'm not sure yet what would be the meaning.
On GbifTerm it is clear it's a Term that we are not using anymore at GBIF. On DwcTerm it could represent a Term deprecated in DarwinCore specification or simply a Term not used anymore by GBIF. Maybe it's ok, I don't know.