Issue 14392

Mechanisms and models for reference dataset creation: recommendations

Reporter: ahahn
Type: Epic
Summary: Mechanisms and models for reference dataset creation: recommendations
Priority: Major
Status: Ideation
Created: 2013-11-20 16:11:13.32
Updated: 2014-02-25 13:24:59.819
DueDate: 2014-08-31 00:00:00.0
Description: In future years, some of the fitness-for-use working groups may develop to assist with identification and curation of reference datasets, filtered subsets of GBIF-mobilized data considered to represent the best data for particular research purposes. Mechanisms and models for this concept will be explored during 2014, for implementation in 2015 and beyond.

*Recommendations on mechanisms and models for reference data sets: milestone Aug 2014*]]>