Issue 14418

Recommendations on a model for supplementary funds

Reporter: ahahn
Assignee: donald hobern
Type: Epic
Summary: Recommendations on a model for supplementary funds
Priority: Major
Status: ToDo
Created: 2013-11-27 18:11:12.02
Updated: 2014-04-01 16:05:50.373
DueDate: 2014-08-31 00:00:00.0
Description: Explore possible mechanisms for GBIF to set up and operate Supplementary Funds [to address the global needs for capacity development and for content mobilization], including consideration of the interests and needs of potential funding sources, possible mechanisms for administering projects and for guaranteeing the necessary peer review and oversight of funded projects.

*Recommendations on models for Supplementary Funds, for consideration at GB21: milestone Aug 2014*

The GBIF Task Group on Financial Sustainability has emphasized the need to expand the funding base for GBIF-related activity and proposed th need for supplementary budgets. Existing core funds support the operation of GBIF as an international, inter-governmental organization and the activities of the GBIF Nodes network. They also support the development and operation of the global components of the GBIF data infrastructure. However, GBIF does not have access to the significant funds required to address the global needs for capacity development and for content mobilization.

- internal discussion; research work on previous approaches, opportunities for funding
- discussion document for circulation

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