Issue 14706

Review of the endorsement model for data publishers

Reporter: ahahn
Assignee: smasinde
Type: Epic
Summary: Review of the endorsement model for data publishers
Priority: Major
Status: InProgress
Created: 2014-01-15 12:44:11.054
Updated: 2014-11-17 17:03:18.259
Description: In a community consultation, led by GBIFS, evaluate potential models for the future endorsement procedure of datasets, both published by GBIF Participants and by non-participants.

Expected outcome: proposal for expanding the GBIF model for the endorsement of data publishers / data sets.
Intermediate goal: discuss proposals around the mid-terms.

Integration of suitable data into the GBIF network is hindered in some regions by GBIF’s current process requiring Participant endorsement of data publishers prior to including their data. This process works very well in other regions. Closer engagement with expert communities through the fitness-for-use working groups in Stream 3 offers the possibility of GBIF using complementary sources of information to provide a richer assessment of the value of each data set. During 2014, the GBIF Secretariat will lead a consultation with Participants on possible approaches to endorsement of data sets that will retain the strengths of the current model and improve scientific oversight but accelerate integration of relevant data where possible.

The review should also consider how datasets published by non-participant countries are to be handled.

- review preliminary work
- clarify interdependencies with the fitness-for-use aspects and organizational collaboration
- present to standing committees (original plan: around mid-term meetings)
- consultation; approval by executive

Management, Participation, Content

*Stored Documents*
Guidelines for Endorsement (draft: Nov 2014):
- Cover letter:
- Questionnaire for prospective publishers:
- Endorsement guidelines for Nodes:]]>

Created: 2014-09-03 11:37:43.959
Updated: 2014-09-03 11:37:43.959
Second consultation round April 2014:
Summary of responses:
Consultation summary (July 2014, both licensing and endorsement consultations):
Links to public materials: