Issue 14353

Report on metadata completeness and quality

Reporter: ahahn
Type: Epic
Summary: Report on metadata completeness and quality
Priority: Major
Status: Ideation
Created: 2013-11-13 14:32:41.229
Updated: 2014-09-03 11:41:20.257
DueDate: 2014-09-30 00:00:00.0
Description: Metadata are required to assist users with the interpretation of data and to understand data quality and fitness-for-use. Currently, metadata coverage in many areas is not sufficient to support this. We need to better understand and report on term use frequency (for datasets, as well as aggregated per publisher and Participant Node), and integrate guidance on qualitative aspects from the fitness-for-use working groups.
*Portal reports statistics on datasets with stable identifiers and metadata completeness: milestone Sep 2014*

Although hundreds of millions of data records are now available through GBIF, many of these lack complete metadata required to assist users in judging the usefulness of any given dataset in the context of their application. Recommendations on quality and fitness-for-use reporting are to be expected as one of the outcomes of the fitness-for-use working groups, and need to be integrated into the processing and reporting workflows.

*Required components*
- term frequency analysis (quantitative), e.g.
- identification of and specification for critical metadata items and their content standardisation (qualitative), e.g. geo-coordinates without geo-datum, gridded data
- portal: communication of analysed coverage (reporting)
- portal: reports statistics on datasets with stable identifiers and metadata completeness (milestone Sep 2014)
-- automated assessment of compliance
-- establish indicators of progress over time
- follow-up with publishers to achieve better metadata coverage in critical areas (not explicitly part of the 2014 work programme)