Issue 11675

Test: Ignore

Reporter: kbraak
Assignee: kbraak
Type: Bug
Summary: Test: Ignore
Priority: Major
Resolution: Invalid
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-08-15 16:39:49.952
Updated: 2013-01-15 14:40:04.459
Resolved: 2012-09-14 17:30:14.556
Description: I have written a very simple Action, and freemaker template so that you can replicate my problem.

My Action is as follows:

public class TestAction extends BaseAction {
  private Map tmap = new TreeMap();

  public void prepare() throws Exception {
    tmap.put("Animalia", "");
    tmap.put("Ani_malia", "");
    tmap.put("Ani:malia", "");
    tmap.put("Ani-malia", "");
    tmap.put("Ani%malia", "");
    tmap.put("Ani+malia", "");

  public String execute() {
    return SUCCESS;

  public Map getTmap() {
    return tmap;

It prepares a TreeMap with some entries having only a String key, and an empty String value.

The following freemarker template displays the keys, and allows the user to save a new value for each one:

<#list tmap?keys as k>
Key Value
<@s.submit name="save"/>
{code} Unfortunately, after entering new values for each key and submitting the form, the only keys that have values successfully saved are: Animalia Ani_malia On the other hand, the following keys do NOT have values successfully saved: Ani:malia Ani-malia Ani%malia Ani+malia Indeed the presence of such non-word characters breaks the OGNL parsing of the Map's String key. To be sure no unwanted interception is occurring, I am using the most basic struts.xml configuration: {code:xml} /WEB-INF/pages/portal/test.ftl {code} ]]>

Comment: was just a test to try some formatting. 
Created: 2012-09-14 17:30:14.58
Updated: 2012-09-14 17:30:14.58