Issue 14905

Fix bungled postgresql9.3 installation on b14g3 (staging)

Reporter: acenja
Assignee: acenja
Type: Task
Summary: Fix bungled postgresql9.3 installation on b14g3 (staging)
Description: Postgres9.3 was installed but old postgres 8.4 packages still exist, causing and update of the operating system to fail.
Priority: Major
Resolution: Done
Status: Closed
Created: 2014-01-22 11:24:58.035
Updated: 2016-02-15 14:21:24.993
Resolved: 2016-02-15 14:21:24.982
TimeEstimate: 0
TimeSpent: 2520 />

Author: acenja
Created: 2014-01-22 11:30:39.35
Updated: 2014-01-22 12:01:50.323
There are 2 postgres data locations: /var/lib/pgsql and /var/lib/pgsql92; determining which one is the active one (used by postgres9.3).

Making a backup of both pg data locations just in case there is a problem with removing the old pg 84 packages.

Problem removing postgresql-server-8.4.13-1.el6_3.x86_64:
error reading information on service postgresql: No such file or directory
error: %preun(postgresql-server-8.4.13-1.el6_3.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Investigating: the RPM package was throwing errors because the init.d file for the old postgres was missing, most probably manually removed regardless of the RPM packaging system....
Bringing a postgresql-server 8.4 version on my workstation and extracting the proper postgresql service start file; placing that in init.d on b14g3; now the rpm can be successfully removed.
Also removed the /var/lib/pgsql/data92 folder to avoid confusion in the future; a backup is in /root/work/pgbackup/

Recommend postgres upgrading to be performed by a sysadmin in the future.