Issue 13975

Adding a section on GBIF in the NPT Startup site

Reporter: bko
Type: Improvement
Summary: Adding a section on GBIF in the NPT Startup site
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
Created: 2013-09-19 10:28:57.658
Updated: 2013-09-19 11:07:29.34
Description: “There should be an option to portray GBIF in general”

“Greater presence of incentives/case studies on the website for the uptake of GBIF so that visitors to the site are immediately informed of the benefits of publishing their data through GBIF. These MUST be presented as visually and enticingly as possible. An initial hook. On the web, it’s all about the visuals/colors/graphics in terms of keeping people's interest.”

“The following things could be showed better: 1. the benefits of data sharing such as Capacity building, interoperability, standards and protocols understanding; 2. sample documents that help in managing the biodiversity facilities- MoUs.”]]>