Issue 15080
The main page maintains the title "Welcome to GBIF Benin!"
Reporter: atalavan
Assignee: bko
Type: Bug
Summary: The main page maintains the title "Welcome to GBIF Benin!"
Environment: Ubuntu 12.04.3 in a Vrtual Machine
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-02-13 16:35:34.159
Updated: 2014-02-14 09:50:18.779
Description: When finishing the setup process that creates the initial content of the site, I was never asked for a title for the home page. When I came back to the home page, it is titled "Welcome to GBIF Benin, even if Benin is not the country that I chose during the installation.
I followed the setup process with a user with the role of 'maintainer', who is supposed to have admin privileges.
If I manually change the name of the page, I actually get a 'Requested page not found" when going to the home page. This is why I label this issue as 'major'.]]>
Attachment WelcomeToGBIFBenin2.JPG
Attachment WelcomeToGBIFBenin.JPG
Created: 2014-02-14 08:59:08.106
Updated: 2014-02-14 08:59:08.106
The "GBIF Benin" of "Welcome to GBIF Benin" should be decided during the installation process, when one choose the GBIF Participants and its short name.
To be verified soon.