Issue 17684

Why is coordinate invalid interpreted as having no coordinate issues?

Reporter: peterdesmet
Type: Feedback
Summary: Why is coordinate invalid interpreted as having no coordinate issues?
Resolution: WontFix
Status: Closed
Created: 2015-07-13 18:13:55.881
Updated: 2017-10-05 14:29:27.389
Resolved: 2017-10-05 14:29:27.372
Description: I originally described this issue on January 15 while working on our GBIF datasets extension: I haven't tested it since.

Records with the issue {{COORDINATE_INVALID}} have {{hasCoordinateIssues}} set to {{false}}. Is this a bug? That type of issues seems it would raise {{true}}:

bq. Coordinate value given in some form but GBIF is unable to interpret it.]]>

Author: hoefft
Created: 2017-10-05 14:29:27.387
Updated: 2017-10-05 14:29:27.387
Yes this is somewhat counter intuitive. hasCoordinateIssues only applies to occurrences where we can actually interpret the coordinate. It is a way to label things that show on a map, but is probably wrong. so really a subset of coordinate issues.

Better helptexts around this on other terms would help