Issue 18330

Micrurus isozonus sandneri ssp. nov.

Reporter: feedback bot
Type: Feedback
Summary: Micrurus isozonus sandneri ssp. nov.
Status: Open
Created: 2016-03-19 21:35:03.299
Updated: 2017-10-06 11:36:17.979
Description: RESUMEN
Descripción de nueva subespecie, serpiente de coral, Micrurus isozonus sandneri. Que se encuentra en los bosques secos, premontanos, de la Región Central, Estado Aragua Venezuela. Sus principales características que la diferencian, se pueden observar, en el orden definido, de las escamas subcaudales que son enteras y divididas, temporales 1+1 o 1+2, grandes parietales manchadas de negro, hocico negro y los anillos blancos bordeados de negro dan apariencia de malla o red.
Palabra clave: Micrurus isozonus sandneri, Micrurus isozonus, Elapidae, Micrurus, Serpientes de Venezuela, Serpientes de Coral, Lago de Valencia, Venezuela.
Description of a new subspecies, coral snake Micrurus isozonus sandneri. Geographical Distribution: dry forest, premontane, Central Region, Aragua State - Venezuela. Key features that differentiate it: subcaudal divided and undivided, with particular order. Temporal formula 1+1 o 1+2, black snout, white rings similar to a mesh. Distinctive black figure, in large parietal.
Keyword: Micrurus isozonus sandneri, Micrurus isozonus, Elapidae, Micrurus, Snakes Venezuela, Snakes Coral, Lake Valencia, Venezuela.

*Reporter*: Iván Sergio Arenas Vargas
*E-mail*: []]]>
Attachment Micrurus isozonus sandneri ssp. nov..pdf

Author: hoefft
Created: 2017-10-06 10:23:19.214
Updated: 2017-10-06 10:23:19.214
Description of new subspecies, coral snake, Micrurus isozonus sandneri. It is found in the dry forests, premontanos, of the Central Region, Aragua State Venezuela. Its main features that differentiate it, can be observed, in the definite order, of subcaudal scales that are whole and divided, temporal 1 + 1 or 1 + 2, large black spotted parietals, black snout and white rings bordered black give mesh or network appearance.
Key words: Micrurus isozonus sandneri, Micrurus isozonus, Elapidae, Micrurus, Snakes of Venezuela, Coral Snakes, Lake of Valencia, Venezuela.
Description of a new subspecies, coral snake Micrurus isozonus sandneri. Geographical Distribution: dry forest, premontane, Central Region, Aragua State - Venezuela. Key features that differentiate it: subcaudal divided and undivided, with particular order. Temporal formula 1 + 1 or 1 + 2, black snout, white rings similar to a mesh. Distinctive black figure, in large parietal.
Keyword: Micrurus isozonus sandneri, Micrurus isozonus, Elapidae, Micrurus, Venezuela Snakes, Coral Snakes, Lake Valencia, Venezuela.

Author: rdmpage
Created: 2017-10-06 11:36:17.979
Updated: 2017-10-06 11:36:17.979
I'm not sure this name is validly published. To be valid:

"The requirements for electronic publications are that the work be registered in ZooBank before it is published, that the work itself state the date of publication and contain evidence that registration has occurred, and that the ZooBank registration state both the name of an electronic archive intended to preserve the work and the ISSN or ISBN associated with the work."

I can't see any evidence that this article has been registered.