Issue 18876

eventDate is not inherited from parentEvent

Reporter: dagendresen
Type: Improvement
Summary: eventDate is not inherited from parentEvent
Status: Open
Created: 2017-01-04 12:14:14.435
Updated: 2017-01-04 13:39:17.293
Description: For sampling data using the event core we noticed that geographic coordinates registered to the "parentEvent" does not seem to be inherited down to occurrences linked to a "child" event (when coordinates are left blank at "child event).

Notice that sometimes a more precise coordinate is desired at the "child" event, however, when left blank, the data owner expressed an expectation that the coordinates would be inherited from the parentEvent.

Should I instruct the data owner to include coordinates for all events (including "child" events) - or would we consider to support coordinates to be inherited from the parentEvent (when left blank for the directly linked ("child") event?

occurrenceID 8d85be4d-4434-464c-8d15-5218ef660f91 (with GbifID 1417445152)
is linked to eventID fefd5813-a077-450e-acd1-874f9a2fb11c
which is linked with parentEventID to eventID 8efddc6c-7499-42a0-8acb-dca162af11f3]]>

Author: dagendresen
Created: 2017-01-04 12:14:36.093
Updated: 2017-01-04 12:46:35.797
PS: Some of the events use the date-range format described by Darwin Core (1981-01-01/1982-01-01), are parsing as "RECORDED_DATE_INVALID" -- as previously reported here in JIRA (e.g. POR-2339 and PF-2093).

Author: cgendreau
Comment: Date-range and eventDate progress can be followed here:
Created: 2017-01-04 13:39:17.293
Updated: 2017-01-04 13:39:17.293