Issue 18933

Query for state/province given as lowercase in portal, download not working

Reporter: dagendresen
Type: Feedback
Summary: Query for state/province given as lowercase in portal, download not working
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2017-02-14 14:05:42.025
Updated: 2017-10-05 10:30:51.332
Resolved: 2017-10-05 10:30:51.31
Description: One our researchers in Norway discovered today that searching for occurrence data with a filter on State/Province returns zero records in the download file [1].

I tried to repeat the steps and noticed that the name of the State/Province in the autocomplete lookup list is given in lowercase (see attached screenshoot). The search in the portal works fine, but the data download returns zero records [2].

When I modify the query string for first letter uppercase, both portal search results [3] AND the data download works as expected [4].

PS: The same issue of lowercase lookup on State/Province is also in the new portal [5] (see also screenshoot).


Attachment State_province_lowercase.png

Author: dagendresen
Comment: Ooops [2] and [3] are flipped
Created: 2017-02-14 14:12:12.163
Updated: 2017-02-14 14:12:12.163

Author: hoefft
Comment: duplicate of - indx didn't handle state province correctly. that should be fixed
Created: 2017-10-05 10:30:51.33
Updated: 2017-10-05 10:30:51.33