Issue 13456
After I create my password I see this form again, ...
Reporter: feedback bot
Assignee: cvizitiu
Type: Bug
Summary: After I create my password I see this form again, ...
Priority: Blocker
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2013-07-03 14:54:57.427
Updated: 2013-08-22 21:19:41.581
Resolved: 2013-08-22 21:19:41.437
Description: After I create my password I see this form again, which suggests things didn't work. I need to see something that confirms it worked, not a blank form
*Reporter*: Rod Page
*E-mail*: []]]>
Attachment bug2.png
Created: 2013-08-22 21:19:41.578
Updated: 2013-08-22 21:19:41.578
The status message has been made more prominent.
The form won't auto-complete though the values as only you can confirm the old password in order to input a new password.