Issue 10446

Type information, species page: do summary count links (rightmost column) need to lead to search + facets?

Reporter: ahahn
Assignee: mdoering
Type: Improvement
Summary: Type information, species page: do summary count links (rightmost column) need to lead to search + facets?
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2011-11-21 16:11:44.028
Updated: 2013-08-29 14:45:24.993
Resolved: 2011-12-01 22:52:52.423
Description: The Type information block on a species page carries the usual summary counts on the right (currently something like "Specimens by type: 6 paratype | 1 holotype |  1 allotype). In other contexts, such summaries link back to a preset filter on the search page, and then allow addition / removal of other facets in the search page context.

For type information, this seems to be over-designing it: usually, only a few type specimens / one type taxon exist, and the simple "see all" link displaying all available ones should be sufficient without the need for an explicit filter by type status. Suggest to keep the summary counts on the species page, but not provide a filtered link from them. Broader question: when a "see all" link is opened from a subsection (literature, type information, distribution, etc), is it really necessary to lead it to a search page including facet filters, or should it be a simple display page that is filtered inside the context the link comes from, but where further filter editing is not possible?


Comment: I agree its over designed. Lets implement your proposal to remove facet filters from the see all pages and only include non clickable counts in the species pages. Sections leading to a real search (e.g. Appears In or datasets) will continue to provide facet filters
Created: 2011-12-01 22:29:45.808
Updated: 2011-12-01 22:29:45.808