Issue 11207

As a user, I want to rather exclude than include certain values when composing a search, so that I can define my search much more quickly

Reporter: ahahn
Type: Feedback
Summary: As a user, I want to rather exclude than include certain values when composing a search, so that I can define my search much more quickly
Priority: Major
Resolution: Duplicate
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-05-18 14:40:10.009
Updated: 2013-08-29 15:29:37.257
Resolved: 2013-08-29 15:29:37.226
Description: source: Lotte E., DanBIF (9.5.12): In the current portal, some searches take a long time to define because rather than excluding a single value, all complementary values have to be included. Ex: "all datasets endorsed by DanBIF except for the Bugbase dataset" requires to add 41 datasets to the search filter; a "dataset name NOT LIKE filter is not possible.

Possibility: in a facet filter, a "select/deselect all toggle would allow to add all in one go and then de-selecting the single exclusion.]]>