Issue 13716

missing address of ASEAN centre in IMS, for the or...

Reporter: mdoering
Assignee: lilia
Type: Bug
Summary: missing address of ASEAN centre in IMS, for the or...
Description: missing address of ASEAN centre in IMS, for the org we have it:
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2013-08-30 12:25:15.503
Updated: 2013-09-26 20:09:16.061
Resolved: 2013-09-26 20:09:15.983

Comment: Hi Markus, I don' t see anything missing from the IMS and I don t understand why the information on the Philippines doesn't appear on their country page...
Created: 2013-09-03 12:40:19.371
Updated: 2013-09-03 12:40:19.371

Comment: Looking at the IMS, in the analogous case of a country node like Germany, the address information is taken from the linked institution (IMS view "GBIF Participants Database", entry field "Institution/Organization" -> button "view). In the case of participant ASEAN, the same kind of link exists to institution ASEAN, which has the address information, too. []: is the handling of the Node address in any way different between country and non-country participants?
Created: 2013-09-06 17:10:38.174
Updated: 2013-09-06 17:10:38.174

Created: 2013-09-06 21:57:53.608
Updated: 2013-09-06 21:57:53.608
all nodes regardless of their status or type are handled the same way, it is the address of the participants institution:

i.Name AS institution, i.Address AS address, i.City AS city, i.ZipCode AS postalCode, i.State AS province, i.Telephone AS phone, i.Email AS email FROM   __Participant p  JOIN __Institution i ON p._kf_InstitutionID = i.__kp_ID


Comment: address is showing in portaldev
Created: 2013-09-26 20:09:16.06
Updated: 2013-09-26 20:09:16.06