Issue 13770

Qualifications of Togo GBIF team

Reporter: feedback bot
Assignee: ahahn
Type: Feedback
Summary: Qualifications of Togo GBIF team
Priority: Blocker
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2013-09-03 18:12:55.896
Updated: 2013-09-27 12:36:03.993
Resolved: 2013-09-27 12:36:03.97
Description: To complete informations:
GLITHO Adolé Isabelle
Professor in Animal Biology
Dean Faculty of Sciences
University of Lomé - Togo

RADJI A. Raoufou
Senior Lecturer
Ornamental Horticulture and Urban Ecology
Curator of Togo National Herbarium
Node Manager GBIF Togo]]>

Comment: [] is this still to do?
Created: 2013-09-26 17:04:46.203
Updated: 2013-09-26 17:04:46.203

Comment: I just made the requested changes on the IMS
Created: 2013-09-27 12:35:14.566
Updated: 2013-09-27 12:35:14.566