Issue 13925

queries of hbase dev_occurrence do not match dev_occurrence_hdfs

Reporter: omeyn
Assignee: omeyn
Type: Bug
Summary: queries of hbase dev_occurrence do not match dev_occurrence_hdfs
Description: e.g. select count(*) from X where kingdom_id is null and created is not null are off by 25 between the two. Suspect delimiter problem.
Priority: Blocker
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2013-09-16 12:44:49.891
Updated: 2013-12-17 15:16:51.514
Resolved: 2013-09-18 16:41:40.128

Created: 2013-09-18 16:41:40.151
Updated: 2013-09-18 16:41:40.151
Was delimiter problem in default format of hive. Fixed with rcfile like this:

create table dev_occurrence_hdfs stored as rcfile as select * from dev_occurrence