Issue 10656
Build a test "repatriation" query
Reporter: lfrancke
Assignee: omeyn
Type: Task
Summary: Build a test "repatriation" query
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-01-19 11:53:14.218
Updated: 2013-12-17 15:17:06.428
Resolved: 2012-08-01 16:58:53.492
Description: Have a query that queries HBase and Hive at the same time to create a list of all country combinations in the form:
Country of data provider - Country of Occurrence Record - Number of Records]]>
Comment: Since the release of the approach outlined above might need reconsideration. Cube promises to offer a generic way to do many multidimensional views of the index. Suggest investigate cube before assuming the approach above.
Created: 2012-06-23 09:59:51.952
Updated: 2012-06-23 09:59:51.952
Comment: closed in favour of tim's cube investigation - reopen if still needed
Created: 2012-08-01 16:58:53.524
Updated: 2012-08-01 16:58:53.524