Issue 12405

Fix coding style issues in persistence layer as per CR-OCC-4

Reporter: omeyn
Assignee: omeyn
Type: Improvement
Summary: Fix coding style issues in persistence layer as per CR-OCC-4
Description: This represents all the work that isn't the refactoring of the service implementations that Tim suggests (ie separating low-level hbase ops from biz logic) or the Tim suggested refactoring of tests into something more maintainable.
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-11-26 10:36:29.208
Updated: 2013-12-17 15:17:10.841
Resolved: 2013-01-15 13:33:30.686

Comment: first commit reviewed again in CR-OCC-8 and second commit addressed those remaining issues.
Created: 2013-01-15 13:33:30.713
Updated: 2013-01-15 13:33:30.713