Issue 14427

Setup a new build environment

Reporter: omeyn
Assignee: mdoering
Type: Task
Summary: Setup a new build environment
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2013-12-02 12:10:59.6
Updated: 2014-01-13 14:10:26.954
Resolved: 2014-01-13 14:10:26.923
Description: A new jenkins, sonar, nexus and dev server that build from our new git home. The dev machine needs access to our cluster so needs to be inside the gbif network.

Maybe using]]>

Created: 2014-01-08 11:33:32.013
Updated: 2014-01-08 11:33:32.013
Rancor has been repurposed as a new github only jenkins build envirnoment and setup as the new "staging" server running the java apps. Varnish, drupal and rewrite apaches are not setup again as apidev and drupaldev will be reused once the github build webapps are running smoothly.

appdev will initially use a standard tomcat7 container, not individual jetties