Issue 14473

Far too many Cactaceae species

Reporter: mdoering
Type: Bug
Summary: Far too many Cactaceae species
Description: IUCN and CoL both settle around 1500 accepted species while our backbone exposes > 12.000 accepted species. For example the genus Weingartia in GBIF with some hundred species (from IPNI) is completely synonymised in IUCN
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
Created: 2013-12-13 15:03:53.137
Updated: 2016-03-08 18:29:09.903

Created: 2013-12-13 15:19:20.283
Updated: 2013-12-13 15:20:31.414
species in the nub are primarily based on IPNI:

 International Plant Names Index         | 11672
 The Catalogue of Life, 3rd January 2011 |   255
 NUB Generator [implicit canonical]      |   122
 GRIN Taxonomy for Plants                |     9
 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species     |     3
 Integrated Taxonomic Information System |     1

Comment: worthwhile checking what other families are mostly based on IPNI - very likely to be wrong!
Created: 2013-12-13 15:21:44.249
Updated: 2013-12-13 15:21:44.249

Created: 2013-12-13 15:41:04.016
Updated: 2013-12-13 15:41:04.016
some hundred plant families nearly exclusively coming from IPNI:

clb2=# SELECT, n.scientific_name, m.count_s, ipni.cnt, round(1.0*ipni.cnt/m.count_s*100, 1) as perc FROM
clb2-# (select family_fk as id, count(*) cnt from name_usage where dataset_key='d7dddbf4-2cf0-4f39-9b2a-bb099caae36c' and rank='SPECIES' and according_to_fk=1093473 group by family_fk) AS ipni
clb2-# join name_usage u on join name n on join name_usage_metrics m on  ORDER BY perc desc, ipni.cnt desc;

   id    |                     scientific_name                      | count_s |  cnt  | perc
 3232107 | Stylidiaceae R. Br.                                      |     466 |   466 | 100.0
    6662 | Olacaceae R. Br.                                         |     358 |   358 | 100.0
 3672397 | Oliniaceae Harv. & Sond.                                 |     285 |   285 | 100.0
 3794735 | Mimosaceae                                               |     153 |   153 | 100.0
    2415 | Theophrastaceae                                          |     146 |   146 | 100.0
    2387 | Hydrophyllaceae                                          |     143 |   143 | 100.0
 3232649 | Opiliaceae (Benth.) Valeton                              |     122 |   122 | 100.0
    2399 | Viscaceae Batsch                                         |     118 |   118 | 100.0
 3783141 | Sarcolaenaceae Caruel                                    |      88 |    88 | 100.0
 3231458 | Penaeaceae Sweet ex Guill.                               |      75 |    75 | 100.0
 3986433 | Quiinaceae Choisy ex Engl.                               |      75 |    75 | 100.0
 3986578 | Malesherbiaceae D. Don                                   |      69 |    69 | 100.0
 3658075 | Anisophylleaceae Ridl.                                   |      61 |    61 | 100.0
 3593887 | Illecebraceae                                            |      60 |    60 | 100.0
 3232345 | Gyrostemonaceae A. Juss.                                 |      58 |    58 | 100.0
 3232097 | Pentaphragmataceae J. Agardh                             |      44 |    44 | 100.0
 3231640 | Ancistrocladaceae Planch. ex Walp.                       |      33 |    33 | 100.0
 3701754 | Coriariaceae DC.                                         |      31 |    31 | 100.0
    6660 | Aceraceae                                                |      29 |    29 | 100.0
 3702383 | Cochlospermaceae                                         |      27 |    27 | 100.0
 3232659 | Vahliaceae Dandy                                         |      26 |    26 | 100.0
 3701697 | Stachyuraceae J. Agardh                                  |      24 |    24 | 100.0
 3686178 | Alseuosmiaceae Airy Shaw                                 |      23 |    23 | 100.0
 3231456 | Crypteroniaceae A. DC.                                   |      22 |    22 | 100.0
 3647445 | Hyacinthaceae                                            |      21 |    21 | 100.0
 4204390 | Periplocaceae                                            |      19 |    19 | 100.0
 3231232 | Balanopaceae Benth.                                      |      18 |    18 | 100.0
    8827 | Hydatellaceae U.Hamann                                   |      17 |    17 | 100.0
 3701805 | Neuradaceae Link                                         |      17 |    17 | 100.0
 4196216 | Balanitaceae                                             |      17 |    17 | 100.0
 3697790 | Alliaceae                                                |      14 |    14 | 100.0
 4097907 | Nesogenaceae Marais                                      |      14 |    14 | 100.0
 3562486 | Phellinaceae Jülich                                      |      14 |    14 | 100.0
 3697177 | Helwingiaceae Decne.                                     |      14 |    14 | 100.0
    2400 | Eremolepidaceae                                          |      14 |    14 | 100.0
 3310776 | Melanophyllaceae Locq.                                   |      12 |    12 | 100.0
 3761052 | Asteropeiaceae (Szyszył.) Takhtajan ex Reveal & Hoogland |      11 |    11 | 100.0
 3231429 | Grubbiaceae Endl.                                        |      10 |    10 | 100.0
 3874432 | Medusandraceae Brenan                                    |      10 |    10 | 100.0
 3990250 | Ptaeroxylaceae                                           |      10 |    10 | 100.0
 3880532 | Rhabdodendraceae Prance                                  |      10 |    10 | 100.0
 3838279 | Carlemanniaceae Airy Shaw                                |      10 |    10 | 100.0
 3585715 | Cynomoriaceae Engl. ex Lindl.                            |      10 |    10 | 100.0
 3782065 | Goetzeaceae                                              |      10 |    10 | 100.0
 3232522 | Griseliniaceae (Wangerin) A.Takhtadzhyan                 |       9 |     9 | 100.0
 3838319 | Meliosmaceae                                             |       9 |     9 | 100.0
 3838298 | Euphroniaceae Marc.-Berti                                |       9 |     9 | 100.0
 4097557 | Platyzomataceae Nakai, 1950                              |       9 |     9 | 100.0
 4197029 | Tremandraceae R. Br. ex DC.                              |       9 |     9 | 100.0
 3233844 | Byblidaceae Domin                                        |       9 |     9 | 100.0
 3682052 | Himantandraceae Diels                                    |       8 |     8 | 100.0
 4032324 | Lissocarpaceae Gilg                                      |       8 |     8 | 100.0
 4195303 | Triplostegiaceae                                         |       8 |     8 | 100.0
    2369 | Parkeriaceae Hooker, 1825                                |       7 |     7 | 100.0
 4192465 | Hymenophyllopsidaceae Pic.Serm.                          |       7 |     7 | 100.0
 4205833 | Actiniopteridaceae Pic.Serm.                             |       7 |     7 | 100.0
 3685131 | Convallariaceae                                          |       7 |     7 | 100.0
    6692 | Illiciaceae                                              |       7 |     7 | 100.0
    2438 | Sonneratiaceae Engl. & Gilg                              |       6 |     6 | 100.0
 3701791 | Hectorellaceae                                           |       6 |     6 | 100.0
    6714 | Stackhousiaceae                                          |       6 |     6 | 100.0
 3760969 | Morinaceae                                               |       6 |     6 | 100.0
 3570689 | Cyclocheilaceae Marais                                   |       6 |     6 | 100.0
    6690 | Lennoaceae Solms                                         |       6 |     6 | 100.0
 3229243 | Metaxyaceae Pic.Serm.                                    |       6 |     6 | 100.0
 3234211 | Roridulaceae Martinov                                    |       6 |     6 | 100.0
 3659516 | Tepuianthaceae Maguire & Steyerm.                        |       6 |     6 | 100.0
 3229337 | Loxsomataceae C.Presl                                    |       5 |     5 | 100.0
 3232020 | Huaceae A. Chev.                                         |       5 |     5 | 100.0
 3760957 | Goupiaceae Miers                                         |       5 |     5 | 100.0
 4161355 | Dioncophyllaceae (Gilg) Airy Shaw                        |       5 |     5 | 100.0
    2506 | Empetraceae                                              |       5 |     5 | 100.0
 3593836 | Tetrameristaceae Hutch.                                  |       5 |     5 | 100.0
 4259209 | Asphodelaceae                                            |       4 |     4 | 100.0
 3231412 | Eupomatiaceae Endl.                                      |       4 |     4 | 100.0
 3849533 | Geissolomataceae Endl.                                   |       4 |     4 | 100.0
 3987926 | Pterostemonaceae                                         |       4 |     4 | 100.0
 4192455 | Didymelaceae Leandri                                     |       4 |     4 | 100.0
 4087085 | Podoaceae                                                |       4 |     4 | 100.0
 4259117 | Torricelliaceae Hu, 1934                                 |       3 |     3 | 100.0
 3644239 | Ctenolophonaceae Exell & Mendonca                        |       3 |     3 | 100.0
 3702273 | Akaniaceae Stapf                                         |       3 |     3 | 100.0
 3838832 | Aralidiaceae Philipson & B.C.Stone                       |       3 |     3 | 100.0
 3659545 | Oncothecaceae Kobuski ex Airy Shaw                       |       3 |     3 | 100.0
 3694474 | Lomandraceae                                             |       3 |     3 | 100.0
 4160461 | Plagiopteraceae                                          |       3 |     3 | 100.0
 4030416 | Bretschneideraceae                                       |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 4197024 | Austrobaileyaceae (Croizat) Croizat                      |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 3659538 | Hoplestigmataceae Gilg                                   |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 3873575 | Canotiaceae                                              |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 4012755 | Physenaceae Takht.                                       |       2 |     2 | 100.0
    3069 | Taccaceae Dumort.                                        |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 3659525 | Strasburgeriaceae Tiegh.                                 |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 3648986 | Stylobasiaceae                                           |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 3597505 | Paracryphiaceae Airy Shaw                                |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 3231417 | Degeneriaceae I. W. Bailey & A. C. Sm.                   |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 3990272 | Lepidobotryaceae J. Leonard                              |       2 |     2 | 100.0
 4087252 | Dracaenaceae                                             |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 4191560 | Barbeuiaceae Nakai                                       |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3264557 | Otitidae                                                 |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3838310 | Saccifoliaceae Maguire & J.M.Pires                       |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3723579 | Scyphostegiaceae Hutch.                                  |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 4195636 | Aextoxicaceae Engl. & Gilg                               |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3988196 | Eremosynaceae                                            |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3667900 | Amborellaceae Pichon                                     |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3646136 | Anthericaceae                                            |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 4017850 | Emblingiaceae Airy Shaw                                  |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 4194221 | Rhynchocalycaceae L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs             |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3646084 | Haptanthaceae C.Nelson                                   |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3592363 | Parnassiaceae                                            |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3880528 | Medusagynaceae Engl. & Gilg                              |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3873568 | Stromatopteridaceae (Nakai) Bierh.                       |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 3742937 | Circaeasteraceae Hutch.                                  |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 4077944 | Duckeodendraceae                                         |       1 |     1 | 100.0
 4195610 | Lactoridaceae Engl.                                      |       1 |     1 | 100.0
    6705 | Epacridaceae                                             |     970 |   969 |  99.9
    2418 | Podostemaceae Rich. ex Kunth                             |     711 |   710 |  99.9
    6700 | Asclepiadaceae                                           |    3218 |  3212 |  99.8
    6675 | Myrsinaceae                                              |    1318 |  1315 |  99.8
    2434 | Sterculiaceae                                            |     945 |   943 |  99.8
    2433 | Tiliaceae                                                |     462 |   461 |  99.8
    6669 | Connaraceae R. Br.                                       |     966 |   963 |  99.7
    6663 | Loranthaceae Juss.                                       |    4017 |  4000 |  99.6
 3231311 | Dichapetalaceae Baill.                                   |     505 |   503 |  99.6
    2437 | Winteraceae R. Br. ex Lindl.                             |     242 |   241 |  99.6
 3232036 | Bruniaceae R. Br. ex DC.                                 |     229 |   228 |  99.6
 3231623 | Vochysiaceae A. St.-Hil.                                 |     389 |   387 |  99.5
    6642 | Ochnaceae DC.                                            |    1939 |  1927 |  99.4
    6708 | Symplocaceae Desf.                                       |    1205 |  1198 |  99.4
 3931399 | Caesalpiniaceae                                          |     362 |   360 |  99.4
 4160301 | Leeaceae (DC.) Dumort.                                   |     153 |   152 |  99.3
    2381 | Flacourtiaceae                                           |     664 |   659 |  99.2
    6752 | Aizoaceae Martinov                                       |    5345 |  5299 |  99.1
    2511 | Dilleniaceae Salisb.                                     |    1017 |  1008 |  99.1
    2513 | Icacinaceae Miers                                        |     738 |   731 |  99.1
    2413 | Rafflesiaceae Dumort.                                    |     109 |   108 |  99.1
    2436 | Bombacaceae                                              |     304 |   301 |  99.0
    2435 | Elaeocarpaceae Juss. ex DC.                              |    1226 |  1212 |  98.9
    2405 | Cunoniaceae R. Br.                                       |     759 |   751 |  98.9
 3229339 | Oleandraceae Ching ex Pic.Serm.                          |      95 |    94 |  98.9
 4087082 | Stemonuraceae (M.Roem.) Kårehed                          |      89 |    88 |  98.9
    6624 | Cyatheaceae Kaulf.                                       |    2503 |  2471 |  98.7
    2428 | Thymelaeaceae Juss.                                      |    2219 |  2190 |  98.7
    2411 | Menispermaceae Juss.                                     |    1634 |  1613 |  98.7
    6645 | Dipterocarpaceae Blume                                   |    1218 |  1202 |  98.7
    3113 | Goodeniaceae R. Br.                                      |     963 |   950 |  98.7
    6756 | Calyceraceae R. Br. ex Rich.                             |     154 |   152 |  98.7
    6646 | Clusiaceae Lindl.                                        |    2348 |  2314 |  98.6
    2385 | Actinidiaceae Engl. & Gilg                               |     663 |   654 |  98.6
    2509 | Dipsacaceae                                              |    1422 |  1401 |  98.5
    2494 | Monimiaceae Juss.                                        |     933 |   919 |  98.5
    6679 | Chloranthaceae R. Br. ex Sims                            |     203 |   200 |  98.5
 3231355 | Trigoniaceae Endl.                                       |      66 |    65 |  98.5
    2414 | Proteaceae Juss.                                         |    4257 |  4191 |  98.4
    2397 | Meliaceae Juss.                                          |    3118 |  3067 |  98.4
    6659 | Burseraceae Kunth                                        |    1805 |  1777 |  98.4
    6707 | Clethraceae Klotzsch                                     |     190 |   187 |  98.4
    2393 | Acanthaceae Juss.                                        |   11971 | 11764 |  98.3
    6688 | Lauraceae Juss.                                          |    7316 |  7192 |  98.3
    6678 | Piperaceae Giseke                                        |    6894 |  6774 |  98.3
    2390 | Scrophulariaceae Juss.                                   |    6604 |  6493 |  98.3
    2439 | Myristicaceae R. Br.                                     |    1117 |  1098 |  98.3
 3234486 | Escalloniaceae R. Br. ex Dumort.                         |     403 |   396 |  98.3
    6643 | Marcgraviaceae Bercht. & J. Presl                        |     292 |   287 |  98.3
 4259125 | Ixonanthaceae Planch. ex Miq.                            |      60 |    59 |  98.3
    6696 | Tropaeolaceae Juss. ex DC.                               |     284 |   279 |  98.2
    6715 | Celastraceae R. Br.                                      |    3704 |  3635 |  98.1
    2496 | Calycanthaceae Lindl.                                    |     312 |   306 |  98.1
    9547 | Scytopetalaceae Engl.                                    |      52 |    51 |  98.1
 3229322 | Taenitidaceae (C.Presl) Pic.Serm.                        |      52 |    51 |  98.1
    6686 | Erythroxylaceae Kunth                                    |     448 |   439 |  98.0
 3232304 | Salvadoraceae Lindl.                                     |      49 |    48 |  98.0
    6639 | Urticaceae Juss.                                         |    4595 |  4500 |  97.9
    3111 | Capparaceae Juss.                                        |    1364 |  1335 |  97.9
    6620 | Grammitidaceae                                           |     716 |   701 |  97.9
 3231239 | Humiriaceae A. Juss.                                     |     143 |   140 |  97.9
    6753 | Moringaceae Martinov                                     |      47 |    46 |  97.9
    6640 | Moraceae Gaudich.                                        |    4604 |  4505 |  97.8
    2409 | Sabiaceae Blume                                          |     269 |   263 |  97.8
 3694522 | Picramniaceae (Engl.) Fernando & Quinn                   |      92 |    90 |  97.8
    2517 | Molluginaceae Bartl.                                     |     349 |   341 |  97.7
    2377 | Turneraceae                                              |      43 |    42 |  97.7
    6676 | Malpighiaceae Juss.                                      |    3024 |  2951 |  97.6
    6672 | Vitaceae Juss.                                           |    2784 |  2716 |  97.6
    2419 | Plumbaginaceae Juss.                                     |    2161 |  2110 |  97.6
    6697 | Oxalidaceae R. Br.                                       |    2071 |  2022 |  97.6
    6655 | Bignoniaceae Juss.                                       |    3296 |  3212 |  97.5
    2401 | Balanophoraceae Rich.                                    |     238 |   232 |  97.5
    3110 | Resedaceae Martinov                                      |     313 |   305 |  97.4
 3229327 | Dipteridaceae Seward & E. Dale                           |     155 |   151 |  97.4
 3701827 | Alangiaceae DC.                                          |      78 |    76 |  97.4
 3610765 | Hydrostachyaceae Engl.                                   |      37 |    36 |  97.3
    2373 | Dryopteridaceae Ching                                    |    7148 |  6951 |  97.2
    6656 | Staphyleaceae Martinov                                   |     109 |   106 |  97.2
    2417 | Polygalaceae Hoffmanns. & Link                           |    2717 |  2636 |  97.0
    2374 | Blechnaceae Copel.                                       |    1080 |  1048 |  97.0
    6621 | Gleicheniaceae C. Presl                                  |     640 |   621 |  97.0
 4160847 | Linderniaceae Borsch et al.                              |     494 |   479 |  97.0
 4161438 | Nephrolepidaceae Pic.Serm.                               |      33 |    32 |  97.0
    2396 | Rutaceae Juss.                                           |    6220 |  6026 |  96.9
    2503 | Gentianaceae Juss.                                       |    5548 |  5374 |  96.9
    2502 | Loganiaceae R. Br. ex Mart.                              |    1278 |  1239 |  96.9
    6691 | Schisandraceae Blume                                     |     162 |   157 |  96.9
    2412 | Lardizabalaceae R. Br.                                   |      97 |    94 |  96.9
 3646087 | Hydnoraceae C. Agardh                                    |      32 |    31 |  96.9
    2519 | Cactaceae Juss.                                          |   12062 | 11672 |  96.8
    2406 | Crassulaceae J.St.-Hil.                                  |    5179 |  5015 |  96.8
    2378 | Passifloraceae Juss. ex Roussel                          |    2004 |  1940 |  96.8
    6717 | Portulacaceae Juss.                                      |     592 |   573 |  96.8
    2495 | Hernandiaceae Blume                                      |     125 |   121 |  96.8
    2508 | Valerianaceae                                            |    1047 |  1012 |  96.7
 3233534 | Stilbaceae Fr.                                           |      30 |    29 |  96.7
    6657 | Sapindaceae Juss.                                        |    4690 |  4531 |  96.6
 3788560 | Misodendraceae J. Agardh                                 |      29 |    28 |  96.6
 4204354 | Cobaeaceae D.Don                                         |      29 |    28 |  96.6
    2497 | Lamiaceae Martinov                                       |   20700 | 19978 |  96.5
    2395 | Simaroubaceae DC.                                        |     400 |   386 |  96.5
    2431 | Combretaceae R. Br.                                      |    1703 |  1641 |  96.4
    6623 | Dennstaedtiaceae Pic.Serm.                               |    1365 |  1316 |  96.4
    6674 | Primulaceae Batsch ex Borkh.                             |    6187 |  5961 |  96.3
    6638 | Begoniaceae C. Agardh                                    |    2563 |  2467 |  96.3
    6661 | Santalaceae R. Br.                                       |    1752 |  1687 |  96.3
    2391 | Lentibulariaceae Rich.                                   |     902 |   869 |  96.3
    6670 | Brunelliaceae Engl.                                      |      82 |    79 |  96.3
 3233918 | Sphaerosepalaceae Tiegh. ex Bullock                      |      27 |    26 |  96.3
    2505 | Ericaceae Juss.                                          |   10233 |  9849 |  96.2
    6634 | Cucurbitaceae Juss.                                      |    3446 |  3314 |  96.2
    2398 | Anacardiaceae R. Br.                                     |    2837 |  2729 |  96.2
    6703 | Buxaceae Dumort.                                         |     234 |   225 |  96.2
    6650 | Pedaliaceae R. Br.                                       |     183 |   176 |  96.2
 4261950 | Daphniphyllaceae Müll. Arg.                              |      78 |    75 |  96.2
    2368 | Polypodiaceae J. Presl & C. Presl                        |    6120 |  5880 |  96.1
 4259202 | Pentaphylacaceae Engl.                                   |     565 |   543 |  96.1
    6635 | Cistaceae Juss.                                          |    1186 |  1139 |  96.0
    2380 | Frankeniaceae Desv.                                      |     175 |   168 |  96.0
 3701734 | Columelliaceae D. Don                                    |      25 |    24 |  96.0
    2372 | Hymenophyllaceae Link                                    |    2181 |  2091 |  95.9
    6684 | Lythraceae J. St.-Hil.                                   |    1697 |  1628 |  95.9
    3066 | Aristolochiaceae Juss.                                   |    1247 |  1196 |  95.9
 3229365 | Woodsiaceae Herter                                       |    2140 |  2050 |  95.8
 4896863 | Paulowniaceae Nakai                                      |      24 |    23 |  95.8
    6699 | Balsaminaceae A. Rich.                                   |    1302 |  1246 |  95.7
 3745203 | Apodanthaceae (R.Br.) Van Tieghem ex A.Takhtadzhyan      |      23 |    22 |  95.7
 4159311 | Linnaeaceae (Raf.) Backlund                              |     114 |   109 |  95.6
    2367 | Pteridaceae Ching                                        |    5059 |  4831 |  95.5
    6716 | Aquifoliaceae Bercht. & J. Presl                         |    1096 |  1047 |  95.5
    6666 | Pittosporaceae R. Br.                                    |     606 |   578 |  95.4
    6701 | Apocynaceae Adans.                                       |   12483 | 11892 |  95.3
    2518 | Caryophyllaceae Juss.                                    |    9408 |  8958 |  95.2
    2422 | Papaveraceae Juss.                                       |    2413 |  2296 |  95.2
    2507 | Styracaceae DC. & Spreng.                                |     620 |   590 |  95.2
 3229325 | Davalliaceae M. R. Schomb.                               |     560 |   533 |  95.2
    6652 | Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link                               |    2592 |  2464 |  95.1
    6673 | Berberidaceae Juss.                                      |    1370 |  1303 |  95.1
    6632 | Tamaricaceae Link                                        |     286 |   272 |  95.1
    3064 | Amaranthaceae Juss.                                      |    3038 |  2886 |  95.0
    2408 | Elaeagnaceae Juss.                                       |     242 |   230 |  95.0
    6636 | Caricaceae Dumort.                                       |     180 |   171 |  95.0
    6706 | Cyrillaceae Lindl.                                       |      40 |    38 |  95.0
    6631 | Violaceae Batsch                                         |    3176 |  3014 |  94.9
 4055896 | Talinaceae (Fenzl) Doweld                                |      98 |    93 |  94.9
    6618 | Thelypteridaceae Pic.Serm.                               |    3158 |  2993 |  94.8
    6625 | Aspleniaceae A. B. Frank                                 |    2413 |  2287 |  94.8
    2410 | Ranunculaceae Juss.                                      |    8309 |  7871 |  94.7
    6695 | Gunneraceae Meisn.                                       |      95 |    90 |  94.7
 3658836 | Pteridiaceae Ching                                       |      19 |    18 |  94.7
    6628 | Marattiaceae Bercht. & J. Presl                          |     424 |   401 |  94.6
    6711 | Paeoniaceae Raf.                                         |     149 |   141 |  94.6
 4930777 | Ximeniaceae Horan.                                       |      37 |    35 |  94.6
    6694 | Haloragaceae R. Br.                                      |     382 |   361 |  94.5
 3230358 | Taxodiaceae Saporta, 1865                                |      18 |    17 |  94.4
    2386 | Menyanthaceae Dumort.                                    |     227 |   214 |  94.3
    2366 | Schizaeaceae Kaulf.                                      |     189 |   178 |  94.2
 4894246 | Schoepfiaceae Blume                                      |      52 |    49 |  94.2
    6619 | Lophosoriaceae Pic.Serm.                                 |      17 |    16 |  94.1
    2382 | Ulmaceae Mirb.                                           |     448 |   421 |  94.0
    6689 | Verbenaceae Adans.                                       |    2566 |  2409 |  93.9
 3230710 | Melianthaceae Link                                       |      82 |    77 |  93.9
    2389 | Convolvulaceae Juss.                                     |    4576 |  4293 |  93.8
    6671 | Rhizophoraceae Pers.                                     |     404 |   379 |  93.8
    2516 | Phytolaccaceae R. Br.                                    |     304 |   285 |  93.8
 3229266 | Lindsaeaceae Pic.Serm.                                   |      32 |    30 |  93.8
    3109 | Achatocarpaceae Heimerl                                  |      16 |    15 |  93.8
    2500 | Hamamelidaceae R. Br.                                    |     237 |   222 |  93.7
    2407 | Rhamnaceae Juss.                                         |    2856 |  2664 |  93.3
    6725 | Lycopodiaceae Mirb.                                      |    1560 |  1455 |  93.3
    6680 | Fumariaceae                                              |      15 |    14 |  93.3
    6685 | Malvaceae Juss.                                          |    9862 |  9177 |  93.1
    2432 | Myricaceae Rich. ex Kunth                                |     200 |   186 |  93.0
 3234600 | Trimeniaceae (Perkins & Gilg) Gibbs                      |      14 |    13 |  92.9
 3229422 | Lomariopsidaceae Alston                                  |     417 |   387 |  92.8
    2384 | Cannabaceae Martinov                                     |     390 |   362 |  92.8
    2498 | Boraginaceae Juss.                                       |    9551 |  8858 |  92.7
    2402 | Saxifragaceae Juss.                                      |    2524 |  2340 |  92.7
 3845332 | Cleomaceae Horan.                                        |     549 |   509 |  92.7
 4900406 | Hypericaceae Juss.                                       |    1208 |  1117 |  92.5
 4052294 | Drynariaceae Ching                                       |     160 |   148 |  92.5
    2512 | Diapensiaceae Lindl.                                     |      92 |    85 |  92.4
    6710 | Caprifoliaceae Juss.                                     |    1125 |  1035 |  92.0
    2375 | Marsileaceae Mirb.                                       |     160 |   147 |  91.9
    6667 | Hydrangeaceae Dumort.                                    |     619 |   568 |  91.8
    2371 | Lygodiaceae C. Presl                                     |      98 |    90 |  91.8
    2493 | Linaceae DC. ex Perleb                                   |     687 |   630 |  91.7
    6713 | Cornaceae Bercht. & J. Presl                             |     513 |   470 |  91.6
    3063 | Basellaceae Raf.                                         |      83 |    76 |  91.6
    6622 | Dicksoniaceae M. R. Schomb.                              |     245 |   224 |  91.4
 3231952 | Didiereaceae Drake                                       |      23 |    21 |  91.3
 4900445 | Hydroleaceae R. Br. ex Edwards                           |      68 |    62 |  91.2
 4196187 | Sphenostemonaceae P.Royen & Airy Shaw                    |      11 |    10 |  90.9
    6658 | Hippocastanaceae                                         |      11 |    10 |  90.9
    6644 | Elatinaceae Dumort.                                      |     152 |   138 |  90.8
    6637 | Bixaceae Kunth                                           |      87 |    79 |  90.8
 4071475 | Diervillaceae (Raf.) N.Pyck                              |      85 |    77 |  90.6
    2423 | Nymphaeaceae Salisb.                                     |     419 |   379 |  90.5
    6651 | Orobanchaceae Vent.                                      |    3535 |  3195 |  90.4
    6718 | Nyctaginaceae Juss.                                      |    1195 |  1077 |  90.1
    2510 | Adoxaceae E. Mey.                                        |     550 |   495 |  90.0
 3231308 | Achariaceae Harms                                        |     110 |    99 |  90.0
    3886 | Microcodidae Hudson & Gosse, 1886                        |      10 |     9 |  90.0
    6677 | Krameriaceae Dumort.                                     |      48 |    43 |  89.6
    2394 | Zygophyllaceae R.Br.                                     |     709 |   633 |  89.3
    2425 | Ceratophyllaceae Gray                                    |      37 |    33 |  89.2
    2379 | Loasaceae Juss.                                          |     761 |   677 |  89.0
 3189597 | Theaceae Mirb.                                           |    1636 |  1454 |  88.9
    2430 | Onagraceae Juss.                                         |    2831 |  2512 |  88.7
    2416 | Polygonaceae Juss.                                       |    4764 |  4208 |  88.3
    4676 | Geraniaceae Juss.                                        |    3293 |  2907 |  88.3
    6721 | Potamogetonaceae Bercht. & J. Presl                      |     622 |   545 |  87.6
    2365 | Vittariaceae Ching, 1940                                 |     117 |   102 |  87.2
    2421 | Saururaceae Rich. ex T. Lestib.                          |      23 |    20 |  87.0
 4909328 | Altingiaceae Lindl.                                      |      23 |    20 |  87.0
    6664 | Salicaceae Mirb.                                         |    3147 |  2728 |  86.7
    2403 | Grossulariaceae DC.                                      |     557 |   481 |  86.4
 4898338 | Montiaceae Raf.                                          |     578 |   496 |  85.8
    2370 | Osmundaceae Bercht. & J. Presl                           |     182 |   156 |  85.7
 4160652 | Plagiogyriaceae Bower                                    |      56 |    48 |  85.7
    2440 | Canellaceae Mart.                                        |      35 |    30 |  85.7
    2515 | Corynocarpaceae Engl.                                    |       7 |     6 |  85.7
    6712 | Nyssaceae                                                |      41 |    35 |  85.4
    2499 | Juglandaceae DC. ex Perleb                               |     370 |   313 |  84.6
    6630 | Psilotaceae Kanitz                                       |      26 |    22 |  84.6
    6724 | Selaginellaceae Willk.                                   |     604 |   510 |  84.4
    2420 | Plantaginaceae Juss.                                     |    3933 |  3285 |  83.5
    6627 | Ophioglossaceae C. Agardh                                |     317 |   264 |  83.3
 3233525 | Martyniaceae Horan.                                      |      54 |    45 |  83.3
 3915936 | Eupteleaceae K. Wilh.                                    |       6 |     5 |  83.3
 3233863 | Cardiopteridaceae Blume                                  |       6 |     5 |  83.3
 3229240 | Loxogrammaceae Ching ex Pic.Serm.                        |      64 |    53 |  82.8
    2424 | Nelumbonaceae A. Rich.                                   |      28 |    23 |  82.1
 3229342 | Peranemaceae                                             |      43 |    35 |  81.4
 3229275 | Onocleaceae Pic.Serm.                                    |      32 |    26 |  81.3
    6629 | Salviniaceae Dumort.                                     |      30 |    24 |  80.0
    6649 | Fouquieriaceae DC.                                       |      25 |    20 |  80.0
    6665 | Surianaceae Arn.                                         |       5 |     4 |  80.0
 4008737 | Lophopyxidaceae H. Pfeiff.                               |       5 |     4 |  80.0
    3065 | Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl                             |   52984 | 42220 |  79.7
    7717 | Solanaceae Adans.                                        |    6338 |  4953 |  78.1
    8144 | Cupressaceae Gray                                        |     759 |   591 |  77.9
    6353 | Bataceae Mart. ex Perleb                                 |       9 |     7 |  77.8
    6681 | Cabombaceae Rich. ex A. Rich.                            |      21 |    16 |  76.2
    6648 | Polemoniaceae Juss.                                      |    1318 |   994 |  75.4
    6633 | Datiscaceae Dumort.                                      |      16 |    12 |  75.0
    6702 | Simmondsiaceae (Müll.Arg.) Tiegh. ex Reveal & Hoogland   |       4 |     3 |  75.0
 3718355 | Cheiropleuriaceae Nakai                                  |       4 |     3 |  75.0
    2231 | Plocospermataceae Hutch.                                 |       4 |     3 |  75.0
    4863 | Taxaceae Gray                                            |     104 |    77 |  74.0
    6709 | Ebenaceae Gurke                                          |    1551 |  1126 |  72.6
 4938880 | Sinopteridaceae                                          |      43 |    31 |  72.1
    2376 | Azollaceae Wettstein, 1903                               |      21 |    15 |  71.4
    3074 | Isoetaceae Dumort.                                       |     258 |   183 |  70.9
    3925 | Pinaceae Spreng. ex F. Rudolphi                          |     877 |   616 |  70.2
 3233023 | Nitrariaceae Lindl.                                      |      10 |     7 |  70.0
    6719 | Chenopodiaceae Vent.                                     |    2992 |  2086 |  69.7
    8799 | Strelitziaceae (K. Schum.) Hutch.                        |      22 |    15 |  68.2
 3685125 | Stegnospermataceae Nakai                                 |       6 |     4 |  66.7
 3782063 | Gelsemiaceae (G.Don) Struwe & V.A.Albert                 |       6 |     4 |  66.7
 3782038 | Sargentodoxaceae                                         |       3 |     2 |  66.7
 3585428 | Tetrachondraceae Skottsb. ex R.W.Sanders & P.D.Cantino   |       3 |     2 |  66.7
 3723697 | Myrothamnaceae Nied.                                     |       3 |     2 |  66.7
    9110 | Irvingiaceae Exell & Mendonca                            |      29 |    19 |  65.5
    8830 | Podocarpaceae Endl.                                      |     512 |   327 |  63.9
    7701 | Rhipogonaceae Conran & Clifford, 1985                    |      16 |    10 |  62.5
    5015 | Rosaceae Juss.                                           |   19968 | 12464 |  62.4
    8145 | Phyllocladaceae (Pilg.) Core ex H.Keng                   |      13 |     8 |  61.5
    6693 | Platanaceae T. Lestib.                                   |      57 |    35 |  61.4
    7075 | Hipponicidae Troschel, 1861                              |     135 |    82 |  60.7
 3229272 | Matoniaceae C.Presl                                      |      10 |     6 |  60.0
 4938282 | Monachosoraceae                                          |      10 |     6 |  60.0
    2230 | Muntingiaceae C.Bayer, M.W.Chase & M.F.Fay               |       5 |     3 |  60.0
 4256025 | Penthoraceae Rydb. ex Britton                            |       5 |     3 |  60.0
    2426 | Sarraceniaceae Dumort.                                   |      91 |    54 |  59.3
 4922264 | Athyriaceae Alston                                       |     178 |   104 |  58.4
    6168 | Cycadaceae Pers.                                         |     230 |   131 |  57.0
    5353 | Juncaceae Juss.                                          |     988 |   539 |  54.6
    3105 | Equisetaceae Rich. ex DC.                                |      91 |    49 |  53.8
    3924 | Araucariaceae Henkel & W. Hochst.                        |     140 |    75 |  53.6
    8497 | Cannaceae Juss.                                          |      30 |    16 |  53.3
 3229460 | Tectariaceae Lellinger                                   |     156 |    82 |  52.6
    4928 | Choreocolacaceae                                         |      19 |    10 |  52.6
    3112 | Brassicaceae Burnett                                     |    7987 |  4151 |  52.0
 3609121 | Schlegeliaceae (A.H.Gentry) Reveal                       |     102 |    53 |  52.0
    6755 | Gnetaceae Blume                                          |      85 |    44 |  51.8
    5386 | Fabaceae Lindl.                                          |   41973 | 21703 |  51.7
    8143 | Cephalotaxaceae Neger, 1907                              |      18 |     9 |  50.0
 4321102 | Idyanthidae Lang, 1948                                   |       8 |     4 |  50.0
 3234476 | Trochodendraceae Prantl                                  |       6 |     3 |  50.0
    2404 | Eucryphiaceae Endl.                                      |       4 |     2 |  50.0
    3727 | Philesiaceae Dumort.                                     |       4 |     2 |  50.0
    3719 | Acoraceae Martinov                                       |       4 |     2 |  50.0
 4924613 | Aptandraceae Miers                                       |       2 |     1 |  50.0
    3723 | Scheuchzeriaceae F. Rudolphi                             |       2 |     1 |  50.0
    2717 | Gomortegaceae Reiche                                     |       2 |     1 |  50.0
    6698 | Limnanthaceae R. Br.                                     |      17 |     8 |  47.1
    6683 | Melastomataceae Juss.                                    |    8638 |  3851 |  44.6
    6682 | Nepenthaceae Dumort.                                     |     264 |   117 |  44.3
 4194986 | Phrymaceae Schauer                                       |     202 |    87 |  43.1
    3742 | Flagellariaceae Dumort.                                  |       7 |     3 |  42.9
    2501 | Cercidiphyllaceae Engl.                                  |       5 |     2 |  40.0
    5352 | Casuarinaceae R. Br.                                     |     146 |    57 |  39.0
    5375 | Zamiaceae Horan.                                         |     354 |   135 |  38.1
    7707 | Centrolepidaceae Endl.                                   |      57 |    21 |  36.8
    7699 | Liliaceae Juss.                                          |    1194 |   420 |  35.2
    4688 | Betulaceae Gray                                          |     376 |   126 |  33.5
    2295 | Treubiaceae                                              |       3 |     1 |  33.3
    8831 | Sciadopityaceae Luerss.                                  |       3 |     1 |  33.3
    6980 | Butomaceae Mirb.                                         |       3 |     1 |  33.3
    3726 | Doryanthaceae R.Dahlgren & H.Clifford                    |       3 |     1 |  33.3
    8784 | Marantaceae R. Br.                                       |     810 |   268 |  33.1
    7681 | Arecaceae Bercht. & J. Presl                             |    3706 |  1176 |  31.7
    3721 | Hydrocharitaceae Jussieu                                 |     196 |    62 |  31.6
    3720 | Alismataceae Vent.                                       |     166 |    49 |  29.5
    7678 | Aponogetonaceae Planch.                                  |      79 |    23 |  29.1
    9111 | Chrysobalanaceae R. Br.                                  |     752 |   217 |  28.9
 3229404 | Angiopteridaceae Fée ex J. Bommer, 1867                  |       7 |     2 |  28.6
    3731 | Pontederiaceae Kunth                                     |      47 |    13 |  27.7
    4689 | Fagaceae Dumort.                                         |    1630 |   449 |  27.5
    5399 | Droseraceae Salisb.                                      |     248 |    67 |  27.0
    4690 | Magnoliaceae Juss.                                       |     354 |    92 |  26.0
    6654 | Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss.                               |    4451 |  1138 |  25.6
    8802 | Sapotaceae Juss.                                         |    1790 |   455 |  25.4
    8800 | Araliaceae Juss.                                         |    1975 |   499 |  25.3
    7524 | Lacistemataceae Mart.                                    |      20 |     5 |  25.0
    5397 | Stangeriaceae Schimper & Schenk, 1880                    |       4 |     1 |  25.0
    3073 | Poaceae Barnhart                                         |   15959 |  3917 |  24.5
    8801 | Campanulaceae Juss.                                      |    3141 |   745 |  23.7
    7682 | Amaryllidaceae J.St.-Hil.                                |    2909 |   682 |  23.4
    7702 | Smilacaceae Vent.                                        |     337 |    76 |  22.6
    5014 | Myrtaceae Juss.                                          |    7548 |  1678 |  22.2
    3070 | Ginkgoaceae Engl.                                        |       9 |     2 |  22.2
    4691 | Euphorbiaceae Juss.                                      |    8489 |  1837 |  21.6
    7698 | Iridaceae Juss.                                          |    2827 |   593 |  21.0
    7708 | Cyperaceae Juss.                                         |    7273 |  1455 |  20.0
    3722 | Ruppiaceae Horan.                                        |      10 |     2 |  20.0
    7687 | Ixioliriaceae Nakai                                      |       5 |     1 |  20.0
    7685 | Blandfordiaceae R.Dahlgren & H.Clifford                  |       5 |     1 |  20.0
    4245 | Thurniaceae Engl.                                        |       5 |     1 |  20.0
    7683 | Asparagaceae Juss.                                       |    3614 |   710 |  19.6
    3729 | Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort.                                 |    1469 |   274 |  18.7
 2763195 | Commelinaceae Mirb.                                      |     892 |   167 |  18.7
    4686 | Musaceae Juss.                                           |     102 |    19 |  18.6
    3734 | Nartheciaceae Fr. ex Bjurzon                             |      43 |     8 |  18.6
    8803 | Nothofagaceae Kuprian.                                   |      65 |    12 |  18.5
    3990 | Lecythidaceae A. Rich.                                   |     371 |    68 |  18.3
    7689 | Orchidaceae Juss.                                        |   33461 |  6102 |  18.2
    8805 | Garryaceae Lindl.                                        |      34 |     6 |  17.6
    3740 | Bromeliaceae Juss.                                       |    3926 |   675 |  17.2
    4687 | Zingiberaceae Martinov                                   |    1896 |   323 |  17.0
    6848 | Neoleptonidae Thiele, 1934                               |      94 |    16 |  17.0
    7679 | Juncaginaceae Rich.                                      |      53 |     9 |  17.0
    3403 | Cyatholipidae Simon, 1894                                |      71 |    12 |  16.9
    7686 | Hypoxidaceae R. Br.                                      |     179 |    30 |  16.8
    7691 | Haemodoraceae R. Br.                                     |     126 |    21 |  16.7
    6979 | Araceae Juss.                                            |    3986 |   648 |  16.3
    9291 | Annonaceae Juss.                                         |    3002 |   486 |  16.2
    7700 | Melanthiaceae Batsch ex Borkh.                           |     218 |    35 |  16.1
    6647 | Caryocaraceae Voigt                                      |      31 |     5 |  16.1
    4246 | Typhaceae Juss.                                          |      81 |    13 |  16.0
    7710 | Rapateaceae Dumort.                                      |     113 |    18 |  15.9
    7684 | Asteliaceae Dumort.                                      |      44 |     7 |  15.9
    8798 | Rubiaceae Juss.                                          |   16126 |  2524 |  15.7
    7694 | Dioscoreaceae R. Br.                                     |     772 |   120 |  15.5
    3733 | Burmanniaceae Blume                                      |     191 |    29 |  15.2
    4692 | Pandaceae Engl. & Gilg                                   |      21 |     3 |  14.3
 3229435 | Hemionitidaceae Pic.Serm.                                |       7 |     1 |  14.3
    7693 | Philydraceae Link                                        |       7 |     1 |  14.3
    7697 | Colchicaceae DC.                                         |     326 |    45 |  13.8
    3728 | Tecophilaeaceae Leyb.                                    |      30 |     4 |  13.3
    7703 | Cyclanthaceae Poit. ex A. Rich.                          |     265 |    34 |  12.8
    4492 | Costaceae Nakai                                          |     160 |    20 |  12.5
    3724 | Tofieldiaceae (Kunth) Takht.                             |      32 |     4 |  12.5
    7695 | Alstroemeriaceae Dumort.                                 |     293 |    36 |  12.3
    4879 | Napoleonaceae                                            |       9 |     1 |  11.1
    6668 | Crossosomataceae Engl.                                   |       9 |     1 |  11.1
    7705 | Triuridaceae Gardner                                     |      64 |     7 |  10.9
    7704 | Stemonaceae Caruel                                       |      40 |     4 |  10.0
    6720 | Apiaceae Lindl.                                          |    9705 |   892 |   9.2
    3741 | Eriocaulaceae Martinov                                   |    1314 |   115 |   8.8
    3739 | Anarthriaceae D. F. Cutler & Airy Shaw                   |      12 |     1 |   8.3
    7680 | Posidoniaceae Lotsy                                      |      12 |     1 |   8.3
    4213 | Restionaceae R. Br.                                      |     511 |    41 |   8.0
    6526 | Veronicellidae Gray, 1840                                |      25 |     2 |   8.0
    3725 | Zosteraceae Dumortier                                    |      26 |     2 |   7.7
    3738 | Velloziaceae Endl.                                       |     302 |    23 |   7.6
    4677 | Heliconiaceae Nakai                                      |     219 |    16 |   7.3
    3737 | Pandanaceae R. Br.                                       |    1142 |    82 |   7.2
    8496 | Xyridaceae C. Agardh                                     |     407 |    28 |   6.9
    2895 | Mastigocladaceae Geitler, 1925                           |      46 |     3 |   6.5
    9640 | Cymodoceaceae N. Taylor                                  |      17 |     1 |   5.9
    3732 | Dasypogonaceae Dumort.                                   |      17 |     1 |   5.9
    8808 | Putranjivaceae Meisn.                                    |     230 |    12 |   5.2
    2186 | Somniosidae Jordan, 1888                                 |      20 |     1 |   5.0
    8870 | Thyrididae Herrich-Schäffer, 1846                        |    1129 |    55 |   4.9
    8807 | Phyllanthaceae Martinov                                  |    2271 |   109 |   4.8
    7230 | Schizopetalidae Verhoeff, 1909                           |      85 |     4 |   4.7
    7508 | Thyasidae                                                |      67 |     3 |   4.5
    3106 | Anthocerotaceae                                          |      22 |     1 |   4.5
    3114 | Ephedraceae Dumort.                                      |      72 |     3 |   4.2
 3268781 | Gurleyidae Sprague, 1977                                 |      24 |     1 |   4.2
    3735 | Corsiaceae Becc.                                         |      28 |     1 |   3.6
    4645 | Funariaceae                                              |     271 |     8 |   3.0
 3268656 | Promesostomidae Hartog, 1964                             |     103 |     3 |   2.9
    4693 | Picrodendraceae Small                                    |     104 |     3 |   2.9
    6136 | Jungermanniaceae                                         |      36 |     1 |   2.8
    5243 | Furnariidae Gray, 1840                                   |     339 |     9 |   2.7
    4075 | Ballophilidae                                            |      81 |     2 |   2.5
    7543 | Euplectellidae Gray, 1867                                |      99 |     2 |   2.0
    8207 | Isididae Lamouroux, 1812                                 |     166 |     3 |   1.8
    9584 | Theridiosomatidae Simon, 1895                            |      86 |     1 |   1.2
    8324 | Trichocomaceae E. Fisch.                                 |    1757 |    19 |   1.1
    8147 | Majidae Samouelle, 1819                                  |     261 |     3 |   1.1
    6884 | Noetiidae Steward, 1930                                  |      91 |     1 |   1.1
    2121 | Electridae d'Orbigny, 1851                               |     101 |     1 |   1.0
    5678 | Gorgonocephalidae Ljungman, 1867                         |     104 |     1 |   1.0
    4919 | Corallinaceae Lamouroux, 1812                            |     862 |     8 |   0.9
    9274 | Trachyleberididae Sylvester-Bradley, 1948                |     727 |     5 |   0.7
    4802 | Dothideaceae Chevall.                                    |     276 |     2 |   0.7
    8991 | Myxillidae Dendy, 1922                                   |     144 |     1 |   0.7
    5638 | Pholcidae Simon, 1874                                    |    1117 |     7 |   0.6
    8832 | Bombycidae Latreille, 1802                               |     476 |     3 |   0.6
    7781 | Clambidae Fischer, 1821                                  |     176 |     1 |   0.6
    2951 | Congridae                                                |     220 |     1 |   0.5
    4025 | Fuhrmannodesmidae Brolemann, 1916                        |     190 |     1 |   0.5
    5856 | Solpugidae Leach, 1815                                   |     197 |     1 |   0.5
    7610 | Peniophoraceae                                           |     261 |     1 |   0.4
    8431 | Stemonitidaceae                                          |     257 |     1 |   0.4
    4115 | Caliciaceae Chevall.                                     |     263 |     1 |   0.4
    4895 | Rhodomelaceae J.E. Areschoug, 1847                       |    1127 |     3 |   0.3
    3869 | Hippolytidae Dana, 1852                                  |     394 |     1 |   0.3
    2487 | Terebellidae Malmgren, 1867                              |     600 |     1 |   0.2
    5680 | Amphiuridae Ljungman, 1867                               |     504 |     1 |   0.2
    8316 | Tubeufiaceae M.E. Barr                                   |     468 |     1 |   0.2
    7733 | Sargassaceae Kützing, 1843                               |     431 |     1 |   0.2
    5520 | Pamphagidae Burmeister, 1840                             |     502 |     1 |   0.2
    3928 | Leucosiidae Samouelle, 1819                              |     501 |     1 |   0.2
    7255 | Romaleidae                                               |     469 |     1 |   0.2
    4239 | Curculionidae Latreille, 1802                            |   68128 |    63 |   0.1
    6910 | Braconidae Latreille, 1829                               |   19273 |    16 |   0.1
    5580 | Limoniidae                                               |   10286 |    12 |   0.1
    5472 | Lymantriidae Hampson, 1893                               |    4187 |     5 |   0.1
 4425773 | Rutelidae                                                |    4879 |     5 |   0.1
    7016 | Notodontidae Stephens, 1829                              |    5585 |     3 |   0.1
    4164 | Amphisphaeriaceae G. Winter                              |    1533 |     2 |   0.1
    9440 | Encyrtidae                                               |    3956 |     2 |   0.1
    7918 | Tenthredinidae Latreille, 1804                           |    1050 |     1 |   0.1
    3588 | Syllidae Grube, 1850                                     |    1124 |     1 |   0.1
    3472 | Pectinidae Rafinesque, 1815                              |     936 |     1 |   0.1
    5108 | Phasmatidae Gray, 1835                                   |     998 |     1 |   0.1
    3445 | Veneridae Rafinesque, 1815                               |    1581 |     1 |   0.1
    7015 | Noctuidae Latreille, 1809                                |   40854 |     8 |   0.0
    5602 | Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802                             |   34948 |     3 |   0.0
    3512 | Ichneumonidae Latreille, 1802                            |   24056 |     3 |   0.0
    5336 | Pyralidae Latreille, 1809                                |    8522 |     2 |   0.0
    6920 | Syrphidae                                                |    8396 |     2 |   0.0
    9647 | Cicadellidae Latreille, 1802                             |   19366 |     2 |   0.0
    3415 | Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859                              |    4813 |     1 |   0.0
    5644 | Salticidae Blackwall, 1841                               |    5768 |     1 |   0.0
    6950 | Geometridae Leach, 1815                                  |   37829 |     1 |   0.0
    3338 | Cecidomyiidae                                            |    6979 |     1 |   0.0
    3344 | Chloropidae                                              |    3489 |     1 |   0.0
    3991 | Tettigoniidae Krauss, 1902                               |    7213 |     1 |   0.0
    8787 | Tricholomataceae R. Heim                                 |    3939 |     1 |   0.0
    4168 | Xylariaceae Tul. & C. Tul.                               |    4269 |     1 |   0.0
    8841 | Crambidae Latreille, 1810                                |   13693 |     1 |   0.0
(583 rows)

Created: 2016-03-08 15:37:45.936
Updated: 2016-03-08 15:37:45.936
The latest new backbone contains roughly 60% synonyms for Cactaceae:

14.282 species
 Accepted (6.322)
 Synonym (5.393)
 Homotypic synonym (2.067)
 Doubtful (500)

Still many more accepted species as IUCN and the CoL, but much, much better. CoL only knows about 5.752 species names (of which 1500 are accepted)

Author: rdmpage
Comment: Do we know whether the Plant List would help in this case?
Created: 2016-03-08 15:52:34.93
Updated: 2016-03-08 15:52:34.93

Comment: No. But I just discovered that the backbone I am looking at isnt using the basionym detection feature. I am rebuilding a new one tonight, let's see how that changes figures
Created: 2016-03-08 16:41:02.778
Updated: 2016-03-08 16:41:02.778

Created: 2016-03-08 16:42:34.838
Updated: 2016-03-08 16:42:34.838
And Ive created a TPL dwc archive for WFO:
But I was told its not for public or GBIF use 

Created: 2016-03-08 16:44:37.512
Updated: 2016-03-08 16:44:37.512
TPL has similar stats to ours if you consider unassed as doubtful or accepted:

 - Accepted	2,233	17.0%
 - Synonym	5,422	41.2%
 - Unplaced	1	0.0%
 - Unassessed	5,504	41.8%


Author: rdmpage
Comment: Who told you "its not for public or GBIF use"? My patience with people not sharing data is wearing thin...
Created: 2016-03-08 18:20:13.09
Updated: 2016-03-08 18:20:13.09

Author: rdmpage
Created: 2016-03-08 18:29:09.903
Updated: 2016-03-08 18:29:09.903
Besides the terms of use specifically allow derivative works (I'm sure we've had a similar discussion before), and I'd argue a Darwin Core Archive is derivative, so why don't we just do it... ;)

If use of that particular archive is a problem, I can create one. I've been meaning to do so for a while, and it could be made highly "derived" by adding 200,000-300,000 literature links I've been adding to IPNI.