Issue 14320

Display comparative statistics on data sharing, quality and use

Reporter: ahahn
Type: Improvement
Summary: Display comparative statistics on data sharing, quality and use
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
Created: 2013-10-31 11:06:35.638
Updated: 2014-01-13 11:26:11.394
Description: interpreted issue (ah 13.1.14): provide summary overviews that allow Participants to compare their relative position against other Participants in the specified areas (data publishing activity, data quality, data use.
NB: this is kept separate from data usage statistics in other requests because it has a different emphasis (comparison and ranking as opposed to numbers, details and timelines for reporting).
from Hannu Saarenmaa,

"The new portal is nice, but I am missing one thing:  Data sharing statistics.  How much data is each GBIF Participant sharing?   This used to be on front page and it created peer pressure in positive way.

Would be nice to do this also along the lines of taxonomy. Who is leading in sharing, for example, bird, plant, and butterfly data?

Also statistics related to data "quality" would be nice.  Whose data is most complete and without issues?

Also statistics of data use.  Whose data has been downloaded most?

Some competition, please."

(for implementation: break up into separate feature requests)]]>

Comment: Comment received from Cees via email: "This table was useful to us as the ministry likes to see their investment were rewarded, at least in terms of records mobilised. If it is gone, would there be a way to get such a page in the new portal?"
Created: 2013-11-01 16:35:26.482
Updated: 2013-11-01 16:35:26.482

Created: 2013-12-19 16:20:15.744
Updated: 2013-12-19 16:20:15.744
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