Issue 14169

More details on how to publish data needed

Reporter: feedback bot
Assignee: thirsch
Type: Improvement
Summary: More details on how to publish data needed
Description: The how to publish data section is very high level and not very useful to point people at who want to know exactly how to publish data. At least some more links should be given to details about the darwin core archive, the format expected for dwca checklists. Also guidance on what data record identifiers to use and a lot more would be good to have available
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
Created: 2013-10-08 00:18:45.572
Updated: 2015-03-03 10:26:49.91

Comment: [] or [] if either of you authored this page, there is some feedback for you so that you are aware.
Created: 2013-10-08 17:36:33.303
Updated: 2013-10-08 17:36:33.303

Created: 2013-10-08 17:55:57.018
Updated: 2013-10-08 17:56:59.941
I started the text and I agree with the comments.

Right now we point readers to details through document maps, thus there are indeed more steps before readers can reach the answer.

I propose we start to extract materials from existing data publishing manuals and organise them using simple questions in a knowledge base like essay, i.e., What is Darwin Core Archive? What data sharing protocols are supported by GBIF? What table formats are available for publishing checklist?

We've tried this earlier as part to the helpdesk development (internal links):

We can create a new content type on Drupal and start to organise existing materials.


Comment: Improving this page is a priority for the next phase of portal authoring.
Created: 2013-10-28 14:12:39.355
Updated: 2013-10-28 14:12:39.355