Issue 14250

Rework species name suggest services to be more lightweight

Reporter: trobertson
Assignee: fmendez
Type: Improvement
Summary: Rework species name suggest services to be more lightweight
Priority: Critical
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Resolved
Created: 2013-10-17 12:37:58.162
Updated: 2014-06-27 13:56:36.418
Resolved: 2014-06-27 13:56:36.384
Description: The API currently has species autocomplate service as:

This is an insane amount of information to return for a service that should be called on each keystroke (with a suitable pause between keypresses as most libraries use).  Propose this be lightened up to include only those values really needed.  Most likely this could be done by partially populating the fields only, using the existing objects and just documenting which fields will be populated.  This is a high profile API call, so performance should be key in design considerations - e.g. this is used in an interactive manner as people are typing, so sluggish behavior renders it less useful.]]>

Comment: A new NameUsageSuggestResult object is returned by the NameUsage suggest service
Created: 2014-06-27 13:56:36.415
Updated: 2014-06-27 13:56:36.415