Issue 10415

Download functionality for checklists

Reporter: ahahn
Assignee: mdoering
Type: NewFeature
Summary: Download functionality for checklists
Priority: Minor
Status: Open
Created: 2011-11-16 10:46:49.12
Updated: 2014-01-06 15:27:27.138
Description:, Checklist Preview, link "download them all.

- checklist download gets the source from registered access point
- download dialog only gives reminder re. correct citation etc., but does not manage download permissions
- the download dialog needs to handle the case of a failed download due to URL access restriction (feedback message to user)
- checklist publishers who do not want their checklist to be publicly available can be registered, but will presently not be indexed, unless GBIF changes their indexing policy about managing credential handling for indexing purposes. This implies that the taxon browser will not be available either for these datasets

small bug: correct spelling error in context help ("elments" -> "elements")

previous discussion at:]]>

Comment: as all data downloads, also checklist downloads need to supply relevant source citation information to make proper attribution possible
Created: 2012-01-23 14:58:05.141
Updated: 2012-01-23 14:58:05.141