Issue 11058

Include RDFa semantic information into web portal html

Reporter: mdoering
Type: Improvement
Summary: Include RDFa semantic information into web portal html
Priority: Minor
Status: Open
Created: 2012-05-10 12:20:57.439
Updated: 2014-01-06 16:11:21.943
Description: RDFa can be used to include semantic RDF data in html or xml:

The default.ftl header in the portal already contains namespace definitions for dc,foaf,cc and dwc and the species details page contains basic taxonomic informations in the  section using meta tags.

RDFa should also be included in dataset pages and even individual contact and organizations on a page could be annotated with RDFa using FOAF for example.
Simple examples on how to do that can be found here:]]>