Issue 15001

Refactor occurrence api model object for dwc terms

Reporter: omeyn
Type: Story
Summary: Refactor occurrence api model object for dwc terms
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Resolved
Created: 2014-02-06 11:36:27.517
Updated: 2014-02-14 09:14:51.615
Resolved: 2014-02-14 09:14:51.594
Description: - serialize occurrence and verbatimoccurrence to flat json
- on occurrence, fields map will no longer have terms that were replaced or used during interpretation (e.g. verbatimLatitude, decimalLatitude, geodeticDatum will all be removed from the map)
- everything that has an interpreted value gets its own field on occurrence (and its own hbase column) including things that are string e.g. stateProvince
- rename fields to verbatimFields
- verbatimOccurrence json will have long/full name of term
- occurrence will have simpleName for terms (prefixes to be decided)
- rename country to countryCode, rename lat to decimalLat, altitude to elevation, more tbd]]>