Issue 15497

Harmonize cube and occurrence search parameters

Reporter: mdoering
Assignee: mdoering
Type: Bug
Summary: Harmonize cube and occurrence search parameters
Priority: Critical
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Resolved
Created: 2014-04-07 11:34:11.711
Updated: 2014-04-28 19:14:44.287
Resolved: 2014-04-28 19:14:44.256
Description: The cube supports range queries via to= and from= parameters while the search API uses a single parameter with 2 comma separated values.

Cube: /occurrence/counts/year?from=1800&to=1899
Search: /occurrence/search?year=1800,1899

This is confusing for users and it would be better if we harmonize the two. In order to allow ranges in various parameters propose to use the comma notation everywhere and adapt the cube WS]]>

Created: 2014-04-28 19:14:38.767
Updated: 2014-04-28 19:14:38.767