Issue 11479

Move EH cache parameter to a common mybatis module

Reporter: mdoering
Assignee: mdoering
Type: Improvement
Summary: Move EH cache parameter to a common mybatis module
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2012-06-25 11:54:40.859
Updated: 2013-12-06 13:16:00.072
Resolved: 2012-06-25 12:59:27.991

Comment: Just be careful that certain things we do (such as DBUnit in IT) go straight to the database.  It either needs cache invalidation, or the option to run without caches (like the registry does)
Created: 2012-06-25 12:10:15.573
Updated: 2012-06-25 12:10:15.573

Created: 2012-06-25 12:51:45.018
Updated: 2012-06-25 12:51:45.018
Its implemented now with an optional guide binding that defaults to null and gets interpreted as false:
@Named("cache") Boolean useCache;