Issue 15500
Search for country pages
Reporter: feedback bot
Assignee: bko
Type: Bug
Summary: Search for country pages
Priority: Critical
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2014-04-07 16:18:38.659
Updated: 2017-10-09 16:53:07.168
Resolved: 2017-10-09 16:53:07.141
Description: S. v. Mering (GBIF-D): We wondered why it is so difficult to reach the Country page from the home page of the GBIF portal. If you simply search for Germany in the search field the country page is not among the 29 hits. We know that there are different ways to reach the country page but for new visitors the search might be their entrance.
The note that the right side of the search result page (“This search result only covers the text content of the news and information pages of the GBIF portal.”) did not really help me as I would have thought that the country page is an information page. However, it appears if you choose “countries” below for the data content (see attached screenshot) you go directly to the country page for Germany.
Could this be changed in a way to have a more prominent link to the country pages? E.g. put a link “Country page GERMANY” on top of the right column instead of the general “countries” (which does not lead you to an overview page of all countries)?
W.-H. Kusber (GBIF-D): As user, I would expect a link to the country page as top result in the result list. Please notise that a search for e.g. "germany" result in a URL " which implies information about the node Germany. Would it be possible to cross-check a searched string with your list of paricipants and/or country pages to give an appropriate result? If you can implement this, you might leave the right column as it is.
*Reporter*: Wolf-Henning Kusber
*E-mail*: []]]>
Attachment ScreenshotCountrySearch.png
Created: 2014-04-29 13:34:04.054
Updated: 2014-04-29 13:34:04.054
Yet another user discontent with the home page search.
Perhaps it is time now to analyze the search frequencies as suggested in PF-43, and see whether or not the majority of users are being misled. We could be losing a lot of potential users through this misleading search.