Issue 15901

Add charts illustrating record stability

Reporter: trobertson
Type: Task
Summary: Add charts illustrating record stability
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-06-04 11:40:03.904
Updated: 2014-09-02 11:49:10.784
Description: Rod: It would be good to quantify how stable records ids are (paraphrased by Tim)

Tim (thoughts on this): Should be able to observe when an ID disappears from the index between snapshots and start graphing how many IDs disappear over time.  Useful to track specimens alone, as much linking is to specimen records and less so the observation records.  We can detect when records disappear, but detecting that an ID is reused is harder - what defines the difference between an update versus an overwrite with a completely new record?  Perhaps start with deletions first?  ]]>

Comment: I agree we should/could start with tracking which ids are no longer used and which ids are newly introduced from snapshot to snapshot.
Created: 2014-09-02 11:45:00.917
Updated: 2014-09-02 11:45:00.917

Author: rdmpage
Comment: It would be handy to have a list of deleted occurrence ids. Fools like me who are building services that link to GBIF (e.g, between GenBank and GBIF, or between specimen citations in papers and GBIF) get upset if the links break. A list of deleted ids would be useful, that way we could query our local mapping and create a list of things that need to be re-linked.
Created: 2014-09-02 11:49:10.784
Updated: 2014-09-02 11:49:10.784