Issue 16023

Move name parser frontend frm tools to portal

Reporter: mdoering
Type: Bug
Summary: Move name parser frontend frm tools to portal
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-07-01 14:05:54.063
Updated: 2014-11-06 17:11:53.057
Description: We have a human frontend for the name parser API that is a form and renders results in a table with links to our backbone:
As we want to shutdown tools eventually we need to move this into the portal where its linked from

Code for the struts2 based frontend is here:]]>

Created: 2014-11-06 17:06:08.421
Updated: 2014-11-06 17:11:53.023
The GBIF API does not contain a name parser service interface yet, so this tool uses its own client:

used in this main action:

I would consider to rewrite this so we have a service interface in the API and a standard clb name parser client in the CLB client project.

CLB webservices expose the name parser here:

Different from most of our webservices this jersey resource accepts the names as 4 different formats:
 - multiple "name" GET query parameters
 - json list of strings
 - multipart form data for uploaded text files, with a name per line
 - plain text POST body with a name per line

The new jersey client does not need to support all kind of formats but should pick one POST format (probably JSON) so that we can submit any number of names (GET has a limit we hit quickly)