Issue 16027

Download: include issues as part of the occurrence download

Reporter: ahahn
Type: Improvement
Summary: Download: include issues as part of the occurrence download
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-07-02 11:01:24.177
Updated: 2014-07-09 10:00:36.148
Description: aThrough the occurrence search interface, a user can select a number of filters of the "Issue" type. The resulting download, however, does not include any information on issues, apart from the flag "hasGeospatialIssues. This means that a user who selected more than one search parameter has no way of determining which records in the resultset are included due to which search criterion, e.g. which records have which issues flagged.

Use case examples:
- a data publisher wanting to check up on / fix issues flagged during indexing of their dataset
- a data user wants to perform different data quality checks depending on the issue detected
- a data user intending to exclude records with specific issues from the resultset

Implementation problem:
Each issue would need to correspond to a term in the download field sequence. For the indexing issues, no such terms exist so far in either dc, dwc or the GBIF terms list (see meta.xml of a download package). To add the issue list to downloads, a new set of terms needs to be created, then included in the download package. This should a) correspond to the filters offered in the search interface, b) possibly be agreed with other quality control package developments, and c) link to a documentation of the tests ("Country coordinate mismatch: if the coordinates supplied with the record do not fall into... ").]]>

Created: 2014-07-02 11:25:25.642
Updated: 2014-07-02 11:25:25.642
I've discussed this issue with [] and [] and seems that we can include a new column in the occurrence.txt/interpreted file which will contain a list of issues delimited by a special character (';' '|' ','), that column could be defined in the meta.xml in this way