Issue 16031

Include descriptive text to explain removal of duplicates on analytics

Reporter: mraymond
Type: Improvement
Summary: Include descriptive text to explain removal of duplicates on analytics
Priority: Minor
Status: Open
Created: 2014-07-03 09:50:41.549
Updated: 2014-09-02 14:53:13.853
Description: Pascal Tschudin (Node Manager from Switzerland) comments:
"It is important to inform on detected issues, as already realized for the section 'Time and seasonality'. However, since data are provided also for the period 2008-2013, we would suggest also to document solved issues/important events on indexation or portal side, as e.g. the artificial multiplication of records in June 2011 due to the harvesting routines for ABCD 1.2, and resulting decrease of available records. An uncommented recall of occurrences is, from our perspective, particularly annoying. A general information on such artefacts could be sufficient."
*E-mail*: [mailto:mraymond]]]>

Comment: I can't understand the example given by Pascal. Would it be possible for you [~mraymond] to get in touch with him for clarification? Thanks
Created: 2014-07-03 11:22:44.386
Updated: 2014-07-03 11:22:59.234

Created: 2014-09-02 14:53:13.853
Updated: 2014-09-02 14:53:13.853
[] has a thought: use jira to allow people to log issues/descriptions against charts and then expose those to anyone viewing the page