Issue 16037

Avian Sakesphorus taxa

Reporter: mdoering
Type: Bug
Summary: Avian Sakesphorus taxa
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-07-03 17:31:18.677
Updated: 2015-07-14 11:51:58.961
Description: Three avian taxa in the genus Sakesphorus have been moved to the genus Thamnophilus (Irestedt et al. 2004; Brumfield & Edwards 2007, SACC 278). These are correctly listed in the IOC list. However, both the original and changed names appear in GBIF.

Below, the incorrect name is given first, while the correct one is given second.

Sakesphorus bernardi & Thamnophilus bernardi
Sakesphorus melanonotus & Thamnophilus melanonotus
Sakesphorus melanothorax & Thamnophilus melanothorax

For the first example: &]]>