Issue 16205

ISO 8601 date ranges are interpreted as no date

Reporter: peterdesmet
Type: Bug
Summary: ISO 8601 date ranges are interpreted as no date
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-07-25 11:52:19.091
Updated: 2017-01-04 12:29:10.574
Description: I noticed a [massive drop in the temporal precision|] of our data, that can only be contributed to a change in this [(big) dataset|].

We indeed started to use ISO 8601 date ranges about a year ago and it seems that GBIF has problems interpreting those: `2004-05-01/2004-05-31` is interpreted as having no date, while it is better interpreted as `2004-05` with a `precision up to a month`. See [this record|] for an example.

This issue is also recorded at]]>

Comment: Peter: Christian Gendreau from Canadensys has written a dateRange parser:
Created: 2014-07-30 15:10:54.621
Updated: 2014-07-30 15:11:07.855