Issue 10135

See how IPT uses it

Reporter: omeyn
Type: Technical
Summary: See how IPT uses it
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2011-11-07 15:38:02.902
Updated: 2013-12-06 13:16:02.364
Resolved: 2011-11-07 15:38:34.207

Created: 2011-11-07 15:38:11.197
Updated: 2011-11-07 15:38:11.197
from kyle:

The IPT loads a list of potential vocabularies from the Registry. For a list of vocabularies see:
Currently the same 33 vocabularies are registered in GBRDS as in GBRDSDEV.  This might not always be the case though.
The original vocabularies are stored in XML format in the project, a sub-project of the “gbif-registry” project. Each vocabulary has a public URI such as This is how the IPT ultimately reads-in a vocabulary.
When a new vocabulary gets added to, a script Markus wrote (a cron job on b3g4) registers the vocabulary on GBRDS and GBRDSDEV.  Registration consists of saving a new entry to the thesaurus table.
How exactly does the IPT use XML vocabularies? The IPT uses them in the following ways:
To populate drop down menus in the metadata and admin pages. For example, on the associated party page, the role drop down is populated from the EML Agent Role Vocabulary: Most helpful is that the description field in each concept can be loaded into a help dialog.
To populate drop down menus in the mapping page used for setting default values. For example, the basis of record drop down on Darwin Core Occurrence core mapping page, is populated from the Darwin Core Type vocabulary: Most helpful is that a styled version of the vocabulary’s concepts can be opened up inside a window for the user’s reference. 

Created: 2011-11-07 15:38:20.595
Updated: 2011-11-07 15:38:20.595
from markus

It also uses them for i18n translations which is helpful

Created: 2011-11-07 15:38:29.756
Updated: 2011-11-07 15:38:29.756
from markus

A vocabulary has an identifer which is a URI, for example
The vocabulary xml definition then has also a location, which is ;
The registry lists both, the id/uri and url (together with more metadata)