Issue 10136

Investigate the state of GBIF's vocabulary server with Dag & Burke

Reporter: omeyn
Type: Technical
Summary: Investigate the state of GBIF's vocabulary server with Dag & Burke 
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2011-11-07 15:39:08.999
Updated: 2013-12-06 13:16:00.563
Resolved: 2011-11-07 15:43:45.188

Created: 2011-11-07 15:39:22.111
Updated: 2011-11-07 15:39:22.111
from markus

The Drupal based vocabulary server is still running at the NHM, but Dag is trying to install it at GBIF. He is also evaluating other tools for community authoring of ontologies and vocabularies for example BioPortal:
The final tool should allow for community authoring, support multiple languages and translations of terms and eventually publishing discrete versions to our site or anywhere else. The exact roadmap is not fixed yet, but definitely not within the next few month.
For now it seems best therefore to regard as the definite place for accessing those vocabularies.