Issue 16406

Review ambigous parser mappings

Reporter: mdoering
Type: Bug
Summary: Review ambigous parser mappings
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-09-16 10:26:35.903
Updated: 2014-09-16 10:26:35.903
Description: The latest rank, country and language parser dictionary files contain ambigous mappings with the same, normalized input being mapped to more than one result. Review the correctness and fix if possible.

RankParser: Ignore value superphylum mapped to more than one result
RankParser: Ignore value ß mapped to more than one result
RankParser: Ignore value superphyl. mapped to more than one result
RankParser: Ignore value agg. mapped to more than one result
RankParser: Ignore value subf. mapped to more than one result
NomStatusParser: Ignore value original combination mapped to more than one
CountryParser: Ignore value CROZET IS mapped to more than one result
CountryParser: Ignore value GUERNSEY mapped to more than one result
CountryParser: Ignore value IND mapped to more than one result
CountryParser: Ignore value ISLE OF MAN mapped to more than one result
CountryParser: Ignore value MACQUARIE IS mapped to more than one result
CountryParser: Ignore value MD mapped to more than one result
CountryParser: Ignore value N F mapped to more than one result
CountryParser: Ignore value NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS mapped to more than on
CountryParser: Ignore value VENEZUELA BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF mapped to more
CountryParser: Ignore value WAKE I mapped to more than one result
LanguageParser: Ignore value NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK mapped to more than one resu
LanguageParser: Ignore value NORWEGIAN mapped to more than one result
LanguageParser: Ignore value interlingua mapped to more than one result
LanguageParser: Ignore value norwegian mapped to more than one result
LanguageParser: Ignore value NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK mapped to more than one resu
LanguageParser: Ignore value NORWEGIAN mapped to more than one result
LanguageParser: Ignore value Norwegian mapped to more than one result