Issue 16536
Problems with the website
Reporter: feedback bot
Assignee: bko
Type: Bug
Summary: Problems with the website
Priority: Blocker
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2014-10-20 18:16:07.298
Updated: 2014-10-22 15:54:03.919
Resolved: 2014-10-22 15:54:03.894
Description: Hello,
I registered for a GBIF account last week. The email response that I recived had a link to verify my email, but it did not forward me to a page to setup my password. I have tried several times this morning (local time) to reset my password, the provided links just send me to a page that says:
"You have tried to use a one-time login link that has either been used or is no longer valid. Please request a new one using the form below."
The links are new and I receive this response on the first use. I have made several attempts and have received the same response every time.
I would like to use the portal to acquire data for the classes that I am currently teaching, but the problem with the account setup and password reset do not seem to working.
I would appreciate any help that you can provide.
My username is: RBChannell
My email address is:
Dr. Rob Channell
Department of Biological Sciences
Fort Hays State University
Hays, KS 67601
(785) 628-5820]]>
Comment: [] can you please try to reproduce this? Thanks
Created: 2014-10-22 09:30:05.1
Updated: 2014-10-22 09:30:05.1
Created: 2014-10-22 10:06:39.366
Updated: 2014-10-22 10:06:39.366
Cannot reproduce this. Attempted creating a new account, receiving the one time email, loging in and set up my own password. The password can be used to log in.
Will reset the user's password to a known one and see if he can log in and change. This will be carried on with