Issue 16750

Document desired RDF format for RDF based vocabularies

Reporter: trobertson
Type: Task
Summary: Document desired RDF format for RDF based vocabularies
Priority: Major
Status: Open
Created: 2014-12-12 12:01:26.718
Updated: 2014-12-12 12:01:26.718
Description: The vocabularies in use by GBIF are a mixed back of URIs (some of which don't resolve) and XML based application schemas.

To enable reuse, we wish to adopt an RDF based approach to vocabularies.  This may be one of SKOS or OWL (or similar) and should encompass:

i. The properties (e.g. gbif:length)
ii. The core and extension definitions used in DwC-A (currently in XML)
iii. The restricted set of values allows for a property within a core / extension

This task is to provide a reference example for each of the above, which would be used as the format within the tools (GBIF registry, IPT, DwC-A validator etc).  The format serialization must be fixed up front.  For implementation reasons, we do not want to handle multiple serializations of RDF (e.g. we do not want Jena dependencies in the IPT).  Such a decision implies that tools can rely on XML parsing techniques (assuming XML and JSON) and not have to handle arbitrary serializations.