Issue 16790

Download metadata should show rights as CC-BY-NC with caveat

Reporter: omeyn
Assignee: omeyn
Type: Improvement
Summary: Download metadata should show rights as CC-BY-NC with caveat
Priority: Critical
Resolution: Fixed
Status: Closed
Created: 2015-01-20 12:10:16.344
Updated: 2015-01-21 15:02:32.778
Resolved: 2015-01-21 15:01:34.752
Description: The download metadata.xml should show the license (rights) as CC-BY-NC 4.0 followed by simple descriptive text from the cc site ( It should also include a statement to the effect of "some datasets in this download may have a more liberal license.

Exact wording to be provided. [~kylecopas] can you please pen that wording, and if you're the wrong guy, please add a comment to this issue and assign to the right person? After it's done please add as a comment and assign to back to [~omeyn]]]>

Author: kylecopas
Comment: Yes, obvious extension of my current bit of bloodletting. Do you have a clear deadline? Or a time when lack of this will become a blocker?
Created: 2015-01-20 12:14:07.489
Updated: 2015-01-20 12:14:07.489

Comment: Apart from the changes to the download stuff we're ready to release, so I'd say it's already blocking. If you could get it in by mid-day tomorrow that would be really helpful.
Created: 2015-01-20 12:18:12.938
Updated: 2015-01-20 12:18:12.938

Author: kylecopas
Comment: Claro
Created: 2015-01-20 13:00:38.489
Updated: 2015-01-20 13:00:38.489

Author: kylecopas
Created: 2015-01-20 22:55:24.311
Updated: 2015-01-20 22:55:24.311
The data included in this download are provided to the user under a