Issue 16793

Occurrence search by superfamily does not include all subtaxa

Reporter: mdoering
Assignee: fmendez
Type: Bug
Summary: Occurrence search by superfamily does not include all subtaxa
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
Created: 2015-01-23 11:33:08.375
Updated: 2015-03-02 14:39:06.552
Description: Looking at a backbone super family:

it lists 1 occurrence count. But if you look at a family within that superfamily you get thousands of occurrences:

Only directly matched occurrence records to the superfamily are counted]]>

Comment: [] the parent_key is not available in Occurrence object which is used by the SolrOccurrenceWriter to update Solr, i'll check if there's way to get that record avoiding an additional ws call
Created: 2015-02-11 18:56:41.699
Updated: 2015-02-11 18:56:41.699

Comment: parent_key might not be the super family either.  The only correct way to do this is to add super family as a proper denormalized field in the occurrence object.  
Created: 2015-03-02 14:39:06.552
Updated: 2015-03-02 14:39:06.552