Issue 17589

Enhance DataCite Metadata for Downloads

Reporter: kbraak
Type: Improvement
Summary: Enhance DataCite Metadata for Downloads
Priority: Critical
Status: Open
Created: 2015-05-15 10:39:21.073
Updated: 2016-07-29 12:04:59.032
Description: To make the entry in Thomson Reuters more descriptive for our downloads, we could consider adding the following things to our DataCite metadata for download DOIs:

Populating DataCite's "geoLocationBox" element with the bounding box filter(s).

Populating DataCite's "geoLocationPlace" element from the country and location filter(s).

Populating DataCite's "subject" element with:
- basis of record filter(s) (specifying "schemeURI" equal to the Darwin Core Type vocabulary URI)
- taxon rank / scientific name filter(s) (specifying "schemeURI" equal to the Taxon Rank vocabulary URI)
- establishment means filter(s) (specifying "schemeURI" equal to the Establishment Menas vocabulary URI)
- type status filter(s) (specifying "schemeURI" equal to the Type vocabulary URI)

Populating DataCite's "date" element with the collection date (specifying "dateType" equal to "Collected" coming from the DataCite vocabulary)

Populating DataCite's "contributor" element from the collector filter(s) (specifying "contributorType" equal to "DataCollector" from the DataCite vocabulary).]]>